Thanks, I didn’t have Lua on my list, but it absolutely fits.
I agree with your sentiment about scaling.
My working analogy is this right now:
Artists can work in any medium, but part of the challenge is to work in a given limited medium.
Using watercolors is different from using oils which are both different from using color pencils. Similar techniques/notions apply to all but each has unique qualities and looks.
In the “display” world, you can use a high resolution display, with Processing, GLSL, or other languages and create “art” but that’s just one medium. Using low-res pixels like LEDs, you can create things similar to but different from displays… You can add a 3rd dimension, as one option, you can mix mediums like sculpture or form… Put them on walls, or use them behind something and cast light reflectively… LEDs aren’t monitor pixels, and throwing a massive panel up is far harder than the equivalent number of pixels in a monitor, nor does it scale well.
We need to treat it like the different medium it is.
Just like you can use some techniques/ideas no matter what “paint” you use (oil/watercolor/spray paint/whatever), there are techniques you can apply from one pixel all the way up to super high resolution video displays with 33million pixels (8K). But there are things that will look amazing at 8K that fail at 256pixel (16x16) or 64 (8x8), and the task is always to find the right look and feel for the medium you are using.
Thinking of a PB as a GPU is useful, and the analogy works because GPUs also manipulate data, in this case to decide what pixels to light… But at the end of the day, they are different mediums.
This is why I find tools like Tixy so neat: they simulate a lower res environment (similar to LEDs in some ways but also different). It’s like using colored pencils to draw a watercolor. Similar but in the end, different.
I just bought a TV backlight as a gift for a relative. It has a 1080p fishlens camera that mounts above the TV looking at the screen, and a box that takes that image, and figure out the lighting to match the screen using a ws2812 strip on the back of the TV, so that your movie/show is enhanced by a glow that matches what’s on the screen, extending the high-res display with a offscreen background. In this analogy, that’s a mixed medium art project. High density pixels in the center, low density pixels surrounding it. People flash esp32s for this purpose (usually using a Pi or PC to generate the data, and sending it to the esp32 to drive the LEDs), but if someone said “is that doable with a Pixelblaze?”, I’d say No, it’s not, and shouldn’t be.