Restoring previous version/build, overlapping pixel address

Hi, it looks like update 3.47 no longer supports overlapping data:

I need to be able to overlap data to light a symmetrical artwork and allow the client to utilize the standard patterns preloaded for each Pixelblaze. Whenever I try to use the same data line for multiple strands it glitches out. I also have strands of different lengths that are offset from one another, so being able to start strands with different and overlapping indexes is needed.

It looks restoring previous versions before 3.47 was recommended but I can’t figure out where previous versions live or how to upload them to my new V3. Or if there is a bit of code that I can paste into each pattern to allow me to overlap starting indexes I’d be happy to do that as well.


Releases can be found under the release tag, in search.

Here’s the previous version (files at the end of the long post)

Adjusting code can work too. For 2d or 3d aware patterns you can use the pixelmap to create overlaps.

For patterns with just render, you can do some index math at the start of the render function.

I can give you some examples if you share your desired overlap config.

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Great, thanks!

I don’t have much experience with writing or editing patterns or with the pixel mapper but would love to be able to utilize for future builds. The config is very simple, but I may want to build on it with more strips in the future. There are currently 4 strips, 2 strips with 105 pixels (starting index 1) and 2 strips with 108 pixels (starting index 0). Hopefully once I understand how to map this I can extrapolate to more complex configs. Thanks again!

It looks like the files in this post are .stfu and “Restore From Backup” is looking for a .pbb:

Is there another place I should be looking or method for restoring a previous build?

And for reference, here is the actual LED layout:

After re-reading I was able to downgrade to v3.40 and achieve the desired config for this project. Thanks for your help!

For future reference, I went to my individual pixelblaze browser interface through (or through AP mode) and then added “/recovery.html” after the numeric url. This took me to an interface on my browser where I was able to upload the .stfu file for the desired release/build (v3.40). My pixelblaze then restarted, after which I refreshed which showed my pixelblaze with the v3.40 release in the description.

With the v3.40 release I could overlap pixel addresses and essentially overlap/duplicate/mirror LED strips through the expander interface.

Thanks again!