Version history: V3.0 through V3.12

Hello! While most Pixelblaze V3s shipped with 3.11, a few might have 3.10, and beta testers will have various earlier versions. Here is what you need to know!

  • 3.0 - 3.3: This was the early days. These versions predate the signed firmware updates, used a different flash layout, and will need to be re-imaged to be brought up to date.
  • 3.4: This is on par with V2.23 feature-wise, but very much in beta.
  • 3.5 - 3.8: lots of stability improvements, many around the port to ESP32. Improved default pattens (thanks @jeff!).
  • 3.9: Playlists!
  • 3.10: Minor bug fixes, added render type info to UI, controls are now in a fixed header, compiler now prioritizes a declared name over a built-in, added array functions/methods, increase number of iterations (used to detect infinite loops), fixed an implicit return bug, improved file write reliability. This version was used in early V3 production runs, and is the first public release.
  • 3.11: the new fail-safe system that kicks in when a crash/reboot is detected was broken in an earlier update and is now fixed, touch icon cleanup, minor UI fixes, and minor documentation updates. Most Pixelblazes were updated with this version before shipping.
  • 3.12: fixed ID used in local beacon/discovery protocol, which caused Firestorm to be unable to tell the difference between several V3s.

For anyone else reading this and thinking “well, how do I update the firmware if I need to” – I found this thread which is the answer: How do I update Pixelblaze?