I don’t know why I’m having so much trouble understanding the code used in this.
I have a cylinder that I’d like to mimic the pattern from my PC and keyboard onto, which is a gradient that goes from 1 colour to another and then back to the original. I’ve looked at existing patterns and some forum posts, but I can’t seem to get it to work. I also don’t seem to understand how to turn something into a 3D pattern.
This is what I’ve got so far.
export function beforeRender(delta) {
t1 = time(.1)
export function render3D(index,x,y,z) {
h = t1 + index/pixelCount
s = 1
v = 1
h = h % 1 + (h < 0)
h = h > 0.5 ? 0.9 : 0.666
hsv(h, s, v)
angleNorm = arctan2(y - .5, x - .5) / PI2
h = .2 + .3 * wave(angleNorm - .25)
* atan2(y, x) might be broken in your version of Pixelblaze. I’d suggest using ChrisNZ’s shim from “2D Spiral Twirls”:
// Temporary fix/workaround until the built-in atan2() is fixed
function arctan2(y, x) {
if (x > 0) return atan(y/x)
if (y > 0) return PI / 2 - atan(x/y)
if (y < 0) return -PI / 2 - atan(x/y)
if (x < 0) return PI + atan(y/x)
return 1.0
Wow, that was thought out nicely Unfortunately I don’t know where that code should go… I’ve place it where I think it would go but it doesn’t do anything
I want the gradient to go along the z axis. So like, blue on the bottom, then magenta in the middle, then back to blue, and then I want that to cycle either up or down.