24V LEDs and Expander Board Question

Hi. First I wanted to say I’m brand new to the forum. I found out about pixel blaze while at Love Burn in Miami this past February. I’ve been looking for a controller that has a great community and ease of use and instruction behind it. Glad to have found Pixel Blaze and it seems to be quite popular among LED installation artists.

So I have 36 3 meter 24v 5050 IP67 RGB Led Strips that I have already used in an previous installation. I was using an Advatek Board. I had a dedicated power circuit for the lights. It required 4 MeanWell 1000W 24V power supplies outputting 24V at 41amps DC constant current.

On the output expander board, I’m guessing that I just have to wire the data lines to the lights? I can supply voltage separately to the lights and the voltage for the lights doesn’t have to run through the board? Any help appreciated!

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Yep, as long as your LEDs use a compatible protocol and you run power separately.

Thank you. The LEDS are WS2811