A couple of patterns I (kind of) made

Hi all,

I’ve been coming here for a few months now, always asking questions, so I thought it was time to give something back to the community. A small disclaimer, I’m really bad at coding -actually I had 0 experience before getting a PB- so the patterns below are the result of a lot of trial and error, copy/paste from other patterns and plenty of questions in the forum. I’m not sure they are 100% correct from a coding perspective and I wouldn’t dare uploading them to the library so feel free to suggest corrections!

First one is a simple static color pattern that divides your strip in 3 segments and lets you choose color and length of each segment. I know that PB is capable of all sorts of 3D mapped extravaganza, but sometimes(including the project I made this for) all you need is static in glorious 1D:)

3 Segment Static

//Colour Picker 1
export function hsvPickerColour1(h, s, v) {
  hue1 = h
  saturation1 = s
  value1 = v

//Colour Picker 2
export function hsvPickerColour2(h, s, v) {
  hue2 = h
  saturation2 = s
  value2 = v

//Colour Picker 3
export function hsvPickerColour3(h, s, v) {
  hue3 = h
  saturation3 = s
  value3 = v

export var depth1
export function sliderDepth1(v) {
  depth1 = floor(v * pixelCount );

export var depth2
export function sliderDepth2(v) {
  depth2 = floor(v * (pixelCount - depth1) );

export function render(index) {
  if (index >= depth1 + depth2) {  // everything after depth2
    hue = hue3
    saturation = saturation3
    value = value3
  else if (index >= depth1) {  // after depth1
    hue = hue2
    saturation = saturation2
    value = value2
  else {                     // from 0 to end of depth1
    hue = hue1
    saturation = saturation1
    value = value1
  hsv(hue, saturation, value)

Here’s another version of the above, but with a potentiometer added in the code to control overall brightness connected to pin 4 of the expansion board.

3 Segment Static with Pot
export var analogInputs
export var potAverage

//Colour Picker 1
export function hsvPickerColour1(h, s, v) {
  hue1 = h
  saturation1 = s
  value1 = v

//Colour Picker 2
export function hsvPickerColour2(h, s, v) {
  hue2 = h
  saturation2 = s
  value2 = v

//Colour Picker 3
export function hsvPickerColour3(h, s, v) {
  hue3 = h
  saturation3 = s
  value3 = v

export var depth1
export function sliderDepth1(v) {
  depth1 = floor(v * pixelCount );

export var depth2
export function sliderDepth2(v) {
  depth2 = floor(v * (pixelCount - depth1) );

function updateAverageForPot() {
  var weight = 0.03
  potAverage = (potAverage*(1-weight)) + analogInputs[4] * weight

export function beforeRender(delta) {

export function render(index) {
  if (index >= depth1 + depth2) {  // everything after depth2
    hue = hue3
    saturation = saturation3
    value = value3 * potAverage
  else if (index >= depth1) {  // after depth1
    hue = hue2
    saturation = saturation2
    value = value2 * potAverage;
  else {                     // from 0 to end of depth1
    hue = hue1
    saturation = saturation1
    value = value1 * potAverage
  hsv(hue, saturation, value)

Here’s a 5 Segment version of the above:

5 Segment Static

//Colour Picker 1
export function hsvPickerColour1(h, s, v) {
  hue1 = h
  saturation1 = s
  value1 = v

//Colour Picker 2
export function hsvPickerColour2(h, s, v) {
  hue2 = h
  saturation2 = s
  value2 = v

//Colour Picker 3
export function hsvPickerColour3(h, s, v) {
  hue3 = h
  saturation3 = s
  value3 = v

//Colour Picker 4
export function hsvPickerColour4(h, s, v) {
  hue4 = h
  saturation4 = s
  value4 = v

//Colour Picker 5
export function hsvPickerColour5(h, s, v) {
  hue5 = h
  saturation5 = s
  value5 = v

export var depth1
export function sliderDepth1(v) {
  depth1 = floor(v * pixelCount );

export var depth2
export function sliderDepth2(v) {
  depth2 = floor(v * (pixelCount - depth1) );

export var depth3
export function sliderDepth3(v) {
  depth3 = floor(v * (pixelCount - depth2) );

export var depth4
export function sliderDepth4(v) {
  depth4 = floor(v * (pixelCount - depth3) );

export function render(index) {
  if (index >= depth1 + depth2 + depth3 + depth4) {  // everything after depth4
    hue = hue5
    saturation = saturation5
    value = value5
  else if (index >= depth1 + depth2 + depth3) {  // everything after depth3
    hue = hue4
    saturation = saturation4
    value = value4
  else if (index >= depth1 + depth2) {  // everything after depth2
    hue = hue3
    saturation = saturation3
    value = value3
  else if (index >= depth1) {  // after depth1
    hue = hue2
    saturation = saturation2
    value = value2
  else {                     // from 0 to end of depth1
    hue = hue1
    saturation = saturation1
    value = value1
  hsv(hue, saturation, value)

Last one is a simple chaser, based on the KITT pattern. You can control color, speed, background brightness, tail length and interval via sliders.

leader = 0

pixels = array(pixelCount)

export function sliderHue(v) {
  Hue = (v);
export var speed
export function sliderSpeed(v) {
speed = (v / 12 +.01);
v= v* v * v

export function sliderBackground(v) {
spread = (v);


export function sliderInterval(v) {
int = (v / 10);

export function sliderTail(v) {
fade = ((1-v) /300 +0.00016 );

export function beforeRender(delta) {
  lastLeader = floor(leader)
  leader +=  delta * speed
  if (leader >= (pixelCount + 1 )) {
    if (t1>=0.9) leader = 0 
  } else {
    for (i = lastLeader; i != floor(leader); i++) pixels[i] = 1
  for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) {
    pixels[i] -= delta * fade
    pixels[i] = max(clamp(spread, 0.13, 0.9), pixels[i])

export function render(index) {
  v = pixels[index]
  v = v * v * v
   h = (v > 0.002) ? 0 : 1  
  hsv(Hue, 1, ((h == 0) ? v : 0.5) )  

That’s it, many thanks to @wizard , @Scruffynerf , @zranger1 and @Jeff for the help:)