Decided that my PB “wish list” aka “never ending Todo list” might as well be public, since others might contribute ideas/suggestions or point me in the right direction… (Or maybe implement it themselves, nudge nudge)
Starter ideas for patterns:
Boids (swarm algo)
Boid fireflys (glowing swarm)
Tetris (inspired by
Fireplace: fire but 2d
Radar scan… With blips
Clock face, with hands
Also Pseudo 7segment led clock?
1d strip pattern ideas:
both analog (someone started here Making a Clock, a Couple of Questions )
And also digital (binary?) clock Or maybe counter of hours, minutes,.seconds, think like a steel ball clock)
Also a word clock like
Replicate the variety of generic patterns on cheap controllers (200+ patterns, most of which are just color variations but a few good patterns worth cloningg that don’t exist yet