I’ve been looking at making a big woven wall of LED strip tubes and have found some nice fat silicon tubes that you can run LED strips through. I’d probably end up making 100m or so of strips in 2.5m lengths using a few output expanders.
Has anyone had any experience using them? I’d want to use the larger sizes, 33 or 40mm diameter. any idea how many LED’s a meter to make it look smoothish without overdoing it?
It looks like you put two strips back to back through them, are you able to run the same data line to both strips so they display the same thing?
I got in on a group buy from Alibaba that sold WS21812 already embedded in these strips. They worked great for my bike, completely sealed, so sturdy you could probably use the strip as a melee weapon and it would still work. Might be easier to just get the embedded type. The light uniformity was excellent.
I got a 180° version of this and it came with a piece of string in it. I had no trouble using it to pull a full 5m of LED strip through. Just needed 10m of room since it all had to be straight.