Broncos Cheer / Sync mode

Here’s a quick edit of @wizard and I using wireless sync with 28 Pixelblazes for the Denver Broncos Christmas Eve halftime show tonight.

Many thanks to the Denver Cheerleaders and Gloey Zoey for inviting us to do this collaboration.


Awesome work @jeff and @wizard, congratulations on a successful performance! :tada::star_struck:


Amazing! Beautiful show! My mind is blown! :exploding_head:

When time permits, I’d love to hear more detail about how you made this show happen - how you set it up on the Pixelblazes, how you controlled the show, what were the challenges of working in that environment and so on.


My gosh. That is truly impressive. Well done guys.

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Awesome work ! Bravo !

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Strong +1 to this. The video is amazing but I’d love to hear more behind the scenes!


Amazing! I’ve had trouble getting more than 10 or 11 to sync before overloading the networking on the master node. How did you manage so many?

I did discover some issues with 28 at first, so these are running a build with some adjustments that with more testing will make it into a release.

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As he mentioned, Wizard made a custom firmware build with the leader/follower subscription packets and time sync packets optimized. I predict he’ll get that into the next firmware release.

He also made a pattern that was heavily optimized for a small compiled size. We felt this would maximize the chances of successful sync between 28 followers and a leader. A trick Wizard taught me is that in the web inspector console, you can check your compiled program size in bytes with:

> program.compiled.length*4

We used plenty of magic numbers for binary vectors, multiple embedded maps, and other optimizations.

The code uses a keyframe timeline design pattern that specifies durations between subsequent keyframes. I’m not sure we can share it as it was developed on spec for the Broncos, but the general form is like this:

keyframe(interval, follower or follower group, subpattern, colors)

`keyframe()` example code
// Start at 0 seconds with all off
keyframe(0, ALL, solidColor, black) 

// Fade in all to Christmas colors driven off nodeId over 8 seconds
keyframe(8, ALL, node5Colors, christmas) 

// After the 8 second fade in, fade all to black in half a second, 
// then quickly fade in just dancer 1 to pink twinkles for 8 seconds
keyframe(0.5, ALL, solidColor, black) 
keyframe(0.5, DANCER1, twinkles, pink) 
keyframe(8, DANCER1, twinkles, pink) 

// Establish a keyframe for all the other nodes so they don't crossfade into 
// the next pattern during the last 8.5 seconds
keyframe(8, ALL, solidColor, black)
keyframe(0, ALL, suddenFlashOnBeat, white) 

We were trying to code defensively to what we assumed would be a very hostile WiFi environment, which is why we decided to make the main show timeline a single pattern. That way, if followers lost reliable contact with the leader, we knew the rest of the 7-minute show would execute fine, instead of relying on the playlist to distribute new pattern code on a precise timeline.

The wireless sync and playlist features were still essential to pulling this off for two reasons. First, we used a pattern to visually indicate that all 28 followers’ time() timebases were perfectly synced. It blinked a different color each second for 4 seconds, followed by a 4-second slow fade-out. You can see this in the leader video below.

Clock Sync Pulse code
// Clock Sync Pulse

export function beforeRender(delta) {
  t1sec = time(1/65.535)
  t4sec = time(4/65.535)
  tMode = time(8/65.535)

export function render(index) {
  // Blink a different color 4x, once a second
  if (tMode > .5) { 
    hsv(t4sec, 1,  (index % 10 == 0) * square(t1sec,  1/10))
  // red fadeout for 4s
  else {
    var v = (index % 10 == 0) * (1 - t4sec)
    hsv(0, 1, v*v)

This Clock Sync Pulse pattern was set to a very long duration (something like 5 days) so you’d have to manually advance past it using the leader’s button. The next pattern in the playlist was a solid green pattern with a 20-second duration. After triggering it once to advance the playlist to this green pattern, I would wait to see that all costumes turned full-green. This way I knew they would all co-launch the next pattern (the larger main timeline pattern) at exactly the same time. That’s the second essential sync feature – the playlist in sync mode. It uses the current pattern’s running time to distribute the code for the next pattern and pre-orchestrate an exact moment in time for all followers to start the next pattern. This method ensures a very tight synchronized launch that’s more accurate than the multi-controller trigger we used to send from Firestorm.

In addition, Wizard made a few group-management command-line scripts that were useful for some contingencies that I’ll spare here because we didn’t need them, but imagine things like pushing configuration or new firmware to 29 controllers.


Wizard has a special board he can produce for custom work that includes an external antenna, but we actually didn’t need that for this job.


The leader Pixelbaze was enclosed in a 3D printed enclosure that also held a USB power bank, a single output LED, and two buttons wired in series. One switch with a spring-loaded safety cover “armed” it, and the other momentary pushbutton completed the circuit between the GND and BTN pads on the underside, which advances the pattern in the playlist.

The followers were embedded in the back pocket of the Glowy Zoey suits next to the combined 12V / 5V USB power pack. The noise on the 5V output made us nervous, so the follower enclosures accommodated a large capacitor across the power rails. To minimize space we designed around a right-angle micro USB that could be zip-tied with the LED outputs to the strain relief shelf. We used plain PLA for maximum RF transparency.

Lots of prototyping, then lots of production.


We put together a WiFi backpack with the following gear. I’ve used Cisco Aironet before, but I appreciate the simplicity of Ubiquiti.

  • UniFi U6 Long Range AP - While the higher power and gain was attractive, we selected this mostly for the rare 4x4:4 MIMO in 2.4GHz, beamforming, and relatively even radiation pattern. 5 GHz was disabled. I ran an RF site scan and let it auto-pick a single 20 MHz channel. If I had seen issues, I would have configured multiple SSIDs on 802.11b channels 1, 6, and 11 and manually bound clients to each evenly. Static DHCP reservations allowed intuitive access to specific followers without an upstream internet connection to the PB Discovery service.
  • UniFi Express - Finally, a small, affordable router + Wireless AP + UniFi controller. Configured to only use 5 GHz with a separate SSID as a management plane. FYI the UI is a little slower than the UDM-Pro I’ve used, but for $150 who’s complaining?
  • 300 Wh portable power bank - 120 VAC + 12V + USB PD power. The real Christmas miracle was getting through TSA with this in my carry-on. To reduce risk, I’d ship it next time.


Outside the technical implementation, a lot of what we did well was in communication and client service, but one thing in the final performance left us eager to improve.

Synchronizing the timeline pattern launch to the stadium’s audio track was accomplished via a human countdown and cue call on comms between a coordinator at field level and the DJ in the audio control booth. This method is subject to human timing error and excitement. Especially with the stadium’s sound propagation delay, most audience members couldn’t tell there was a sub-second unwanted offset between the two, but I could. An area for improvement, we’d like to look into automating this link, perhaps with an external wireless OSC message to a GPIO trigger on Pixelblaze.


I love all these details – the gap between “it works in a safe environment when everything goes wrong” and “this is a hostile environment that allows for limited testing where everything MUST go right, perfectly, the first time” is huge, and I appreciate the insights into how you handled those constraints.


Wow!!! That’s amazing!

I’m really looking forward to those firmware updates now. :grinning: