Can the 2D mapper function be used for a multi-column wiring? (See photo)

I am trying to wire a wearable that will be a 2D matrix pattern. It’s a coat, with a large single vent. The wiring diagram I am hoping to do is attached. Is it possible? This would obviously be (much) easier as a traditional column-based snake, but due to the design of the LEDs, that isn’t possible. (The LEDs are at 4" offsets pre-wired, and I want the “rows” to be only 1" apart from each other).*

Here’s a wiring diagram for what I want; Yellow is LEDs, Red/Blue is data+power, red is just power.


You could definitely do this with the mapper. Does each row need to taper? Or can they be the same width all the way down? Either way it’s possible, it would just be more complex if they need to taper.

It might also just be easiest to use this: 2D Pixel coordinate mapping tool for images

That way a little bit of slop in how neatly the LEDs are laid out is reflected in the pattern, like if they don’t perfectly line up vertically.

Thank you @teaderechoweb – I didn’t realize you could do this in the mapper; I’ll have to experiment for sure. If I go the 2D Pixel Coordinate Mapping Tool approach, it looks like I can just draw an arbitrary set of routing of the pixels – neat! I was going to assume constant width all the way down, and accept the tradeoff in slop and diffusion; technically each side’s shape is close to a ()() pattern (narrow at both top and bottom) but by a relatively small amount I was going to just… ignore.

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Yeah, PB can handle just about anything for a 2D map, doesn’t have to be on a regular grid.

If you can get a photo with each LED visible, its pretty easy to zip through using the pixel map tool!

Less easy for 3D, at least for now :slight_smile:

Thank you @teaderechoweb and @wizard – The finished project is written up here – Wearable radioactive labcoat finished project + tutorial (I didn’t actually wire it quite like the diagram above, but I did heavily use the pixel map tool!).

It was a fair pain in the butt to get a single image with each LED visible (I had to hand-mark them all, and then photoshop two images together), but the map tool worked a treat once I did so).

Note: I first tried to just get a single image with all the LEDs “on” but because of the inconsistencies in the wiring and the quality of the diffusion, that wasn’t precise enough, so we went with the approach in the other post.

Thank you!