I’ve used the V2 successfully with a neopixel strip in the past. I just purchased BTF-LIGHTING WS21812B IC RGB 5050SMD (150 LEDs). I assumed it would work out of the box. Maybe it’s not compatible or there’s a setting I need to update. Any suggestions?
Hey @mkayetwo - It should work. On the v2, you can set your Neopixel timing in the Settings page. Did you try the various options there already?
So, leave it at ws2812/Neopixel and just try all the data speeds. I tried that and no effect. Is there a quick way to test the strip (I just received it “used” from amazon) like hooking up 5v and ground and leaving the data pin floating or tied to 0/1?
Double check which is the input side, the connector might be wrong.
I will do that, Thank you so much for the info.