As mentioned elsewhere, I realized I wanted to use complex numbers in PB.
Complex numbers have the form x+iy where x is a real number, i is the square root of -1, and y is a real number multiplier of i.
More than this in explanation needed?
Here’s an intro
[long and live… you can also see umpteen other Youtube videos on complex numbers]
I found a javascript library for it, GitHub - infusion/Complex.js: A complex numbers library
but PB isn’t really JS, so lots of it needed to be ported and adjusted.
I’m not quite done (I didn’t bother porting the more obscure functions [yet]), and I’m pretty sure division by zero and other edge cases might not be right… but it works.
* Ported to PB's not quite JS by ScruffyNerf in 2021
* based on Complex.js v2.0.13 12/05/2020
* used under the MIT license
* This code allows the manipulation of complex numbers.
* unlike the original code, you _must_ use a 2 element array
* The order of functions below is changed from the original, and I haven't ported all of the functions (yet?)
* I've moved needed core functions ahead of functions that depend on them.
export var complex = array(2);
export var complex2 = array(2);
export var complex3 = array(2);
var re = 0;
var im = 1;
var rarray = array(2);
var varray = array(2);
var complexone = array(2);
complexone[re] = 1
complexone[im] = 0
var complexzero = array(2);
complexzero[re] = 0
complexzero[im] = 0
var complexi = array(2);
complexzero[re] = 0
complexzero[im] = 1
var complexpi = array(2);
complexzero[re] = PI
complexzero[im] = 0
var complexe = array(2);
complexzero[re] = E
complexzero[im] = 0
//missing from PB normal math functions
function cosh(v) {
return (exp(v) + exp(-v)) / 2;
function sinh(v) {
return (exp(v) - exp(-v)) / 2;
// hypot is in already PB v3 - not ported, v2 will require adding a shim for this
function logHypot(a, b) {
return log(hypot(a, b));
* Calculate the magnitude (aka radius) of the complex number
* @returns {number}
function cabs(varray) {
return hypot(varray[re], varray[im]);
* Calculate the angle of the complex number
* @returns {number}
function carg(varray) {
return atan2(varray[im], varray[re]);
* Calculates the sign of a complex number, which is a normalized complex
* @returns {Complex}
function csign(varray) {
var vabs = cabs(varray);
rarray[re] = varray[re] / vabs;
rarray[im] = varray[im] / vabs;
return rarray;
* Adds two complex numbers
* @returns {Complex}
function cadd(a, b) {
// infinity handling removed
rarray[re] = a[re] + b[re];
rarray[im] = a[im] + b[im];
return rarray;
* Subtracts two complex numbers
* @returns {Complex}
function csub(a, b) {
rarray[re] = a[re] - b[re];
rarray[im] = a[im] - b[im];
return rarray;
* Multiplies two complex numbers
* @returns {Complex}
function cmul(a, b) {
// Short circuit for real values
if (a[im] == 0 && b[im] == 0) {
rarray[re] = a[re] * b[re];
rarray[im] = 0;
} else {
rarray[re] = a[re] * b[re] - a[im] * b[im];
rarray[im] = a[re] * b[im] + a[im] * b[re];
return rarray;
* Divides two complex numbers
* @returns {Complex}
function cdiv(a, b) {
// needs some zero handling still... TBD
var t, x;
if (b[im] == 0) {
// Divisor is real
rarray[re] = a[re] / b[re];
rarray[im] = a[im] / b[re];
return rarray;
if (abs(b[re]) < abs(b[im])) {
x = b[re] / b[im];
t = b[re] * x + b[im];
rarray[re] = (a[re] * x + a[im]) / t;
rarray[im] = (a[im] * x - a[re]) / t;
return rarray;
} else {
x = b[im] / b[re];
t = b[im] * x + b[re];
rarray[re] = (a[re] + a[im] * x) / t;
rarray[im] = (a[im] - a[re] * x) / t;
return rarray;
* Calculate the power of two complex numbers
* @returns {Complex}
function cpow(a, b) {
if (b[re] == 0 && b[im] == 0) {
return complexone;
// If the exponent is real
if (b[im] == 0) {
if (a[im] == 0 && a[re] > 0) {
rarray[re] = pow(a[re], b[re]);
rarray[im] = 0;
return rarray;
} else if (a[re] == 0) { // If base is fully imaginary
imgcase = ((b[re] % 4 + 4) % 4); // no switch case in PB, so we check each
if (imgcase == 0) {
rarray[re] = pow(a[im], b[re]);
rarray[im] = 0;
return rarray;
if (imgcase == 1) {
rarray[re] = 0;
rarray[im] = pow(a[im], b[re]);
return rarray;
if (imgcase == 2) {
rarray[re] = -pow(a[im], b[re]);
rarray[im] = 0;
return rarray;
if (imgcase == 3) {
rarray[re] = 0;
rarray[im] = -pow(a[im], b[re]);
return rarray;
if (a[re] == 0 && a[im] == 0 && b[re] > 0 && b[im] >= 0) {
return complexzero;
var arg = carg(a);
var loh = logHypot(a[re], a[im]);
v1 = exp(b[re] * loh - b[im] * arg);
v2 = b[im] * loh + b[re] * arg;
rarray[re] = v1 * cos(v2);
rarray[im] = v1 * sin(v2);
return rarray;
* Calculate the complex square root
* @returns {Complex}
function csqrt(varray) {
var a = varray[re];
var b = varray[im];
var r = cabs(varray);
var sre, sim;
if (a >= 0) {
if (b == 0) {
rarray[re] = sqrt(a);
rarray[im] = 0;
return rarray;
sre = 0.5 * sqrt(2 * (r + a));
} else {
sre = abs(b) / sqrt(2 * (r - a));
if (a <= 0) {
sim = 0.5 * sqrt(2 * (r - a));
} else {
sim = abs(b) / sqrt(2 * (r + a));
rarray[re] = sre;
rarray[im] = b < 0 ? -sim : sim;
return rarray;
* Calculate the complex exponent
* @returns {Complex}
function cexp(varray) {
var tmp = exp(varray[re]);
rarray[re] = tmp * cos(varray[im]);
rarray[im] = tmp * sin(varray[im]);
return rarray;
* Calculate the natural log
* @returns {Complex}
function clog(varray) {
rarray[re] = logHypot(varray[re],varray[im]);
rarray[im] = carg(varray);
return rarray;
* Calculate the sine of the complex number
* @returns {Complex}
function csin(varray) {
rarray[re] = sin(varray[re]) * cosh(varray[im]);
rarray[im] = cos(varray[re]) * sinh(varray[im]);
return rarray;
* Calculate the cosine
* @returns {Complex}
function ccos(varray) {
rarray[re] = cos(varray[re]) * cosh(varray[im]);
rarray[im] = -sin(varray[re]) * sinh(varray[im]);
return rarray;
* Calculate the tangent
* @returns {Complex}
function ctan(varray) {
var tre = 2 * varray[re];
var tim = 2 * varray[im];
var td = cos(tre) + cosh(tim);
rarray[re] = sin(tre) / td;
rarray[im] = sinh(tim) / td;
return rarray;
// more to come...
// some quick demo code, with sliders, to adjust. Very flowy
export var time1 = 1
export function sliderTime1(v) {
time1 = v * 5
export var time2 = 1
export function sliderTime2(v) {
time2 = v * 5
export var time3 = 1
export function sliderTime3(v) {
time3 = v * 5
export var t1,t2,t3
export function beforeRender(delta) {
t1 = wave(time(time1)) * 2 - 1
t2 = wave(time(time2)) * 2 - 1
t3 = wave(time(time3)) * 2 - 1
export var h
export function render2D(index, x, y) {
complex[re] = (x - .5 + t1)
complex[im] = (y - .5 + t2)
complex2[re] = t1
complex2[im] = t2
complex3 = cmul(complex, complex2)
h = cabs(complex3) * t3
s = 1
v = 1
hsv(h, s, v)