Does the PixelBlaze work with NeoPixels?

I’m having issues running a 1m 144 pixels/m piece of RGB NeoPixel tape. Here a link to the exact product: Adafruit NeoPixel Digital RGB LED Strip 144 LED - 1m White [WHITE] : ID 1507 : $59.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

I have everything hooked up correctly and attached to a 5v 12a power supply. I’m able to connect to the PixelBlaze through my browser and my multimeter tells me I am getting 5v to the strip. However for some reason its not lighting up at all. Does anyone have any experience with these specific LEDs and the PixelBlaze? Are the compatible?

I just tried hooking up a NeoPixel Jewel 7 (Product Link: NeoPixel Jewel - 7 x 5050 RGB LED with Integrated Drivers : ID 2226 : $5.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits) and that works totally fine. Not sure what’s up with the larger strip. Perhaps its blown out… is there any way to determine that?


A clear photo showing your complete wiring hookup is always helpful for us to help you troubleshoot.


Hello, try connecting the strip a bit further down the line, maybe your first LED is fried. Be careful of short circuits !

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