Firestorm in Home Assistant

I created a simple Home Assistant add-on to host and run Firestorm for added convenience of discovering and accessing the Pixelblaze controllers on our network.

I’m currently hosting the add on repository that only hosts Firestorm here (GitHub - NZSmartie/firestorm-ha: Pixelblaze Firestorm Add On for Home Assistant). @wizard I’m happy to transfer ownership of the Github repository over to you if you’d like that.

For your convenience, you may also quickly add the repository to Home Assistant which will allow you to install the add on.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.

After adding the repository, follow these steps:

  1. Head to Settings within Home Assistant and open up Add-ons.
  2. Open up the Add-on store.
  3. Locate the Pixelblaze Firestorm repository and open the Firestorm Add-on.
  4. Install!
  5. Once installed, Enable the Show in sidebar and click Start!

That’s it!