Flickering Pixelblaze with 8x8 Matrix and 144/m SK9822 (APA102)

Hi everyone!

I just got my first Pixelblaze and wanted to test it with 1 meter strip of 144/m SK9822 (APA102) RGB LEDs and the ElectroMage 8x8 LED Matrix. Unfortunately I only got an unintentional flicker-fests so far.


Runs off USB. Seems to function properly as I can communicate with the unit easily through WiFi.

1 meter strip of 144/m SK9822 (APA102) RGB LEDs
Powered through external 5 VDC power supply with plenty of Amps
red wire > +5VDC, blue wire > -5VDC
yellow wire > Pixelblaze clock, green wire > Pixelblaze data

ElectroMage 8x8 LED Matrix
Powered through external 5 VDC power supply with plenty of Amps
Matrix data IN wire > Pixelblaze data

P I X E L B L A Z E S E T T I N G S F O R 144/m SK9822

LED Type: APA102 / DotStar
Pixels: 144
Data Speed: tried all options
Color Order: tried all options

P I X E L B L A Z E S E T T I N G S F O R 8 X 8 M A T R I X

LED Type: WS2812 / NeoPixel
Pixels: 64
Data Speed: tried all options
Color Order: tried all options

Please note that I’ve tried the LED-strip and the 8x8 Matrix separately, never simultaneously.

The result with both the LED-strip and the 8x8 Matrix unfortunately was the same, a constant flickering no matter what setting options or patterns I tried. I also programmed an RGB test pattern. The LED “somehow” responded, e.g. when I’ve sent RED, “most” of the LED kinda flickered RED but with all kinda multicolor fireworks in-between, etc…

Any idea if the settings or the wiring are wrong? Any leads?

Thank you in advance for your help!


Hi @69morpho,
Do you have GND connected between the 2 power supplies? This is a common source of flickering!


Yep! You are right! I am now running the Pixelblaze and the LEDs from the same power supply and all looks great…

Excellent product! Excellent interface!

Thanks, Ben

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