Hello !
I’m currently building and testing the stage lights i’ve been working on:
- suspended ring, 2x 800 LED (parallel data line) = Pixelblaze + sensor board “master” // Mapping is “ring” stock code
- straight bar light 73 LED = Pixelblaze STD “follower” // mapping is as below:
function (pixelCount) {
width = 1 //Note that using 1 or 2 does not change anything
var map = []
for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) {
y = Math.floor(i / width)
x = i % width
x = y % 2 == 1 ? width - 1 - x : x //zigzag
map.push([x, y])
return map
Most of the patterns work fine on the “master” and “follower”, I even have patterns using “y” for left/right effects actually going from left to right on both pieces.
However i have 2 issues:
Some patterns don’t show up the same: it seems the “bar = slave” displays only the 73 first pixels of whatever pattern is displayed on the ring (which is the “master”. Shouldn’t it work using PixelCount ? I assume it is because some patterns use “index”, but do you know if there is a way to adapt easily a 1D pattern using index (to rotate around the ring for example) so it uses y instead of index for example ? I think it would solve the problem but not sure how to write it
Some patterns don’t display anything at all on the “slave bar” even though other patterns work fine. I have checked and there is actually a render 2D function working in both, but since both have mapping information it should work well, the same as other patterns. Example: the famous SpectromatrixRender2D with code as below:
//This pattern uses the sensor expansion board
export var frequencyData
width = 1
zigzag = true
averageWindowMs = 750
sensitivity = 0
fade = .585
averages = array(32)
pixels = array(pixelCount)
speed = 2
targetFill = 0.07
brightnessFeedback = 0
pic = makePIController(.05, .15, 30, 0, 400)
// Makes a new PI Controller
function makePIController(kp, ki, start, min, max) {
var pic = array(5)
pic[0] = kp
pic[1] = ki
pic[2] = start
pic[3] = min
pic[4] = max
return pic
function calcPIController(pic, err) {
pic[2] = clamp(pic[2] + err, pic[3], pic[4])
return pic[0] * err + pic[1] * pic[2]
export function beforeRender(delta) {
t1 = time(.2)
t2 = time(.13)
t3 = time(1)
sensitivity = calcPIController(pic, targetFill - brightnessFeedback / pixelCount);
brightnessFeedback = 0
dw = delta / averageWindowMs
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
averages[i] = max(.00001, averages[i] * (1 - dw) + frequencyData[i] * dw * sensitivity)
//interpolates values between indexes in an array
function arrayLerp(a, i) {
var ifloor, iceil, ratio
ifloor = floor(i)
iceil = ceil(i);
ratio = i - ifloor;
return a[ifloor] * (1 - ratio) + a[iceil] * ratio
export function render2D(index, x, y) {
var i, h, s, v
i = triangle((wave(x + wave(t1 * speed)) + wave(y - wave(t1 * speed))) / 2 + t2 * speed) * 31
v = (arrayLerp(frequencyData, i) * sensitivity - arrayLerp(averages, i)) * 10 * (arrayLerp(averages, i) * 1000 + .5)
h = i / 600 +t3
v = v > 0 ? v * v : 0
s = 1 - v
pixels[index] = pixels[index] * fade + v
v = pixels[index];
brightnessFeedback += clamp(v, 0, 1)
hsv(h, s, v)
//this pixel mapper shim will work without a pixel map or on older Pixelblazes
//it calculates x/y based on a 2D LED matrix display given a know width and height
export function render(index) {
var width = 850, height = 1
var y = floor(index / width)
var x = index % width
//comment out this next line if you don't have zigzag wiring:
//x = (y % 2 == 0 ? x : width - 1 - x)
x /= width
y /= height
render2D(index, x, y)
Since there is a mapping, the 2D render function should execute no ? I’ve tried to remove the whole function render(), but it does not change anything… Could it be the fact the pattern is using x as well: but in this case can"t we see anything even if i map a 2 column matrix ?
Thank you very much !