Here’s a quicky HSL function, with a minimal pattern to play with it.
export var hue,sat1,sat2,value,lightness
export function sliderSat(v){
sat1 = v
export function sliderLightness(v){
lightness = v
function hsl(h,s,l){
value = s * min(l,1-l) + l
sat2 = value ? 2-(2*l/value) : 0
export function beforeRender(delta) {
t1 = time(.1)
export function render(index) {
hue = t1 + index/pixelCount
hsl(hue, sat1, lightness)
Basically, if you play with slider, you’ll see that it basically adjusts S back up as Lightness increases, so it goes back to white.
HSL isn’t super useful, but I’m working on porting some code that uses HSL rather than HSV, so adding a simple hsl() makes the most sense.