I use the PB (Standard+Sensor Board) on a wearable accessory, which means i need to access to it with a phone to select a specific pattern or modify some parameters (luminosity mostly) on the go.
For this i use it on AP Mode with an android smartphone.
Very, very often, i have the following problem:
- Phone connected to the PB in Wifi
- trying to access the address through (i use a bookmark to avoid the https)
- screen not loading (nothing loads), or the loading cube forever (when reconnecting)
This happens in particular if I connected once, put back my phone in my pocket and tried to re-access the UI later.
This problem persists if i close/restart my browser, turn off then on again my phone wifi, and even if I restart the PB (and wait for the phone to reconnect to the wifi).
I observed a reliable way to avoid this is to:
- manually disconnect from the PB wifi access point (keep wifi activated on the phone)
- manually reconnect to the wifi access point of the PB
Which is kinda annoying when i’m on the go trying to change luminosity quickly.
I tried to use Pixel Lights (third party app) as well, and i have a similar problem: Pixelblaze works fine the first time, then if i come back to it after closing the app, switching to another app or turning off my screen, nothing is detected anymore and even a reboot of the PB does not solve the problem. It comes back randomly after several minutes, or if i do the wifi trick above.
Did i do something wrong ?