Is there a way to search the "store" for patterns?

I’m sure I am just missing it but how do you search the patterns? I see a newest and most popular. Is that the only ways to search? What about by name? or some other attributes?
It would be cool if you could put “tags” or “topics” on the uploaded patterns like “2D” “audio” “sensor add-on” “Spectrum Analyser”

I saw in the forums about a certain pattern that was made but found no way to go look in the patterns for it.

Sorry if I am missing the obvious.


Yeah, right now there’s no way to search. :man_shrugging:

Pages 5 and 6 (the oldest as of writing) are the default patterns that come preloaded on all new Pixelblaze. So then there’s 4 pages of additional patterns to look through right now. Which one (or a particular technique) were you looking for?

I do find that most people write something in their pattern title, like “sound” or “light” or “accel” or “2D” or “3D” as a makeshift tag signal to people that intent.