I am running Firmware 3.30.
I have never had trouble with my pixel blaze until today. Last night I was messing with a pattern. When I was done I unplugged it like I normally do. Tonight I plugged it in to play with it again and my browser was stuck on the loading screen. The discovery service finds it. I tried restarting it a couple of times but that has not fixed the issue. Now the loading screen does not come up. I tried putting the PB into AP mode but I had the same issue. I was eventually able to connect to its /recovery endpoint. I then set it back up in client mode and reconnected it to wifi but I still can’t get past the loading screen. I have my pixelblaze setup in such a way that I don’t ever touch it. It doesn’t move. I just plug it in and plug it back in so I am not sure what could have happened. It still plays patterns and I can cycle through them with the button. I have also tried to connect from a separate device.
Any further troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if I need to provide any more information.