If you’re only doing it to one pattern, I agree with @scruffynerf: rewrite the render function of that one pattern and be done with it. But if you have a lot of patterns, and want to keep adding more as you come across them, then it would be useful to have a snippet of code that would be easy to stitch into each new pattern…
Something like this:
// hsv2rgb conversion from: https://forum.electromage.com/t/hsv-to-individual-r-individual-g-inividual-b-funstions/193/2
var _r, _g, _b;
function hsv2rgb(hh, ss, vv) {
h = hh % 1
s = clamp(ss, 0, 1)
v = clamp(vv, 0, 1)
i = floor(h * 6)
f = h * 6 - i
p = v * (1 - s)
q = v * (1 - (s * f))
t = v * (1 - (s * (1 - f)))
if (i == 0) { _r = v; _g = t; _b = p }
else if (i == 1) { _r = q; _g = v; _b = p }
else if (i == 2) { _r = p; _g = v; _b = t }
else if (i == 3) { _r = p; _g = q; _b = v }
else if (i == 4) { _r = t; _g = p; _b = v }
else if (i == 5) { _r = v; _g = p; _b = q }
// rgb2hsv conversion from: https://www.programmingalgorithms.com/algorithm/rgb-to-hsv/
var _h, _s, _v;
function rgb2hsv(rr, gg, bb) {
_v = max(max(rr,gg),bb);
mins = min(min(rr,gg),bb);
delta = _v - mins;
if (_v == 0) _s = 0; else _s = delta/_v;
if (_s == 0) _h = 0; else {
Cr = (_v - rr) / delta;
Cg = (_v - gg) / delta;
Cb = (_v - bb) / delta;
if (rr == _v) _h = Cb - Cg;
if (gg == _v) _h = 2 + Cr - Cb;
if (bb == _v) _h = 4 + Cg - Cr;
_h /= 6;
if (_h < 0) _h += 1;
// Here's where the magic happens
function stripChanges(index) { return (index < pixelCount / 2); } // return True at the place where your strip changes formats.
function rgbMunged(rr, gg, bb, index) { if (stripChanges(index)) rgb(rr, gg, bb); else rgb(gg, bb, rr); }
function hsvMunged(hh, ss, vv, index) { if (stripChanges(index)) hsv(hh, ss, vv); else {
hsv2rgb(h, s, v);
// You can simply call the RGB renderer and swap order of the RGB arguments:
// rgb(_g, _b, _r);
// or you can re-convert the RGB back to HSV and use the HSV renderer:
rgb2hsv(_g, _b, _r);
h = _h; s = _s; v = _v;
hsv(_h, _s, _v);
export function render(index) {
// Sample pattern to produce pure Rs, Gs & Bs
h = (index % 3) / 3; s = 1; v = 1;
// replace existing pattern renderer with a call to our special one.
hsvMunged(h, s, v, index);
To adjust a pattern to your strip’s unique geometry, all you need to do is replace every call to rgb(r, g, b)
with rgbMunged(r, g, b, index)
and every call to hsv(h, s, v)
with hsvMunged(h, s, v, index)