Music Sequencer / Choreography

Sure thing. The easiest way to do this is to set up your queue at the end of the pattern to play the sub-patterns you like for the number of beats you want. Starting from the whole program, I was able to get it to work well with this simplified sequence / queue at the end:

// ************************************************************************
// * PROGRAM SEQUENCE - A series of calls to enqueue()                    *
// ************************************************************************

expectBass(.4)               // This helps detect initial beats better when
                             // there's no history of bass levels
playUntilBeat(off, BPM)      // Play "off" pattern for up to a minute, 
                             // waiting for for a beat
q(soundRays, 16) 
q(hyper, 16)

begin()                       // Every sequence must end with `begin()` :)

This section of code works with the full pattern, or you can take out about half the lines that are unused with all the other patterns removed. Here’s that resulting pattern:

Music Sequencer - Soundrays and Hyper.epe (28.1 KB)

Here’s a video of me simplifying the sequencer to just trigger these two patterns after tuning the tempo and thresholds.


Just want to say thank you so much for 1 making this pattern and documenting it, and 2 making a video to explain how to modify this thing. Been having a lot of fun with this and am excited to use it in my next project.

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Wow a post and a video jeff thats amazing i think we are all set for the party now !

Its a lot clearer now i think i was just daunted by the detail in the program sequence when loading the file up orginally.

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