Sure! I did it at three levels.
First, with all the framework and helpers preserved, but all other patterns taken out. This one is still large, so I uploaded it to the pattern library.
Then I took out all parts of the framework that aren’t used by this pattern (e.g. tempo detection, note identification, start-on-beat, claps and highhat detection all removed), but left the ability to sequence new renderers.
Flash Posterize, minimal framework
Music Sequencer, with only the Flash Posterize pattern, and all unsed
parts of the framework code removed. Requires the Pixelblaze Sensor Board.
// Values that come from the Sensor Board
export var frequencyData = array(32)
export var energyAverage, maxFrequency, maxFrequencyMagnitude
export function beforeRender(delta) {
export function render(index) { render3D(index, index / pixelCount, 0, 0) }
export function render2D(index, x, y) { render3D(index, x, y, 0) }
export function render3D(index, x, y, z) {
// `renderer()` will be reassigned by your patterns (every beforeRenderer)
renderer(index, x, y, z);
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
function processSound(delta) {
// Debounced detectors
{ // Brackets are used at times to enable code folding in the editor.
var minBeatRetrigger = .2 // How much of a currently defined quarter note beat must pass before a detected instrument will retrigger? E.g. use .2 to allow .25 retrigger (e.g. to catch sixteenth note drums)
var beatTimerIdx = 0, clapsTimerIdx = 1, hhTimerIdx = 2
var debounceTimers = array(3)
var beatsToMs = (_beats) => 1000 / BPM * 60 * _beats
debounceTimers.mutate(() => beatsToMs(minBeatRetrigger))
function debounce(trigger, fn, timerIdx, duration, elapsed) {
if (trigger && debounceTimers[timerIdx] <= 0) {
debounceTimers[timerIdx] = duration
} else {
debounceTimers[timerIdx] = max(-3e4, debounceTimers[timerIdx] - elapsed)
var bass, maxBass, bassOn // Bass and beats
var bassSlowEMA = .001, bassFastEMA = .001 // Exponential moving averages to compare to each other
var bassThreshold = .02 // Raise this if very soft music with no beats is still triggering the beat detector
var maxBass = bassThreshold // Maximum bass detected recently (while any bass above threshold was present)
// Redefine these in your patterns to do something that reacts to these instruments
function beatDetected() {}
function processInstruments(delta) {
// Assume Sensor Board updates at 40Hz (25ms); Max BPM 180 = 333ms or 13 samples; Typical BPM 500ms, 20 samples
// Kickdrum fundamental 40-80Hz.
bass = frequencyData[1] + frequencyData[2] + frequencyData[3]
maxBass = max(maxBass, bass)
if (maxBass > 10 * bassSlowEMA && maxBass > bassThreshold) maxBass *= .99 // AGC - Auto gain control
bassSlowEMA = (bassSlowEMA * 999 + bass) / 1000
bassFastEMA = (bassFastEMA * 9 + bass) / 10
var bassVelocitiesSize = 5 // 5 seems right for most. Up to 15 for infrequent bass beats (slower reaction, longer decay), down to 2 for very fast triggering on doubled kicks like in drum n bass
var bassVelocities = array(bassVelocitiesSize) // Circular buffer to store the last 5 first derivatives of the `fast exponential avg/MaxSample`, used to calculate a running average
var lastBassFastEMA = .5, bassVelocitiesAvg = .5
var bassVelocitiesPointer = 0 // Pointer for circular buffer
function inferTempo(delta) {
bassVelocities[bassVelocitiesPointer] = (bassFastEMA - lastBassFastEMA) / maxBass // Normalized first derivative of fast moving expo avg
bassVelocitiesAvg += bassVelocities[bassVelocitiesPointer] / bassVelocitiesSize
bassVelocitiesPointer = (bassVelocitiesPointer + 1) % bassVelocitiesSize
bassVelocitiesAvg -= bassVelocities[bassVelocitiesPointer] / bassVelocitiesSize
bassOn = bassVelocitiesAvg > .51 // `bassOn` is true when bass is rising
debounce(bassOn, beatDetected, beatTimerIdx, beatsToMs(minBeatRetrigger), delta)
lastBassFastEMA = bassFastEMA
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
export var BPM = 120 // Nominal BPM. Can be set mid-sequence with setBPM(bpm) or setBPMToDetected()
var SPB // Inferred "seconds per beat" from BPM
var beatsPerMeasure = 4
var beatsPerPhrase = 32 // A phrase is the default duration in beats when `enqueue(pattern)` is called with no second argunment for duration.
var currentPatternMs = 0 // ms into the current pattern, wrapped back to 0 after 32000 ms
var currentPatternS = 0 // Seconds into the current pattern
var currentPatternDuration = 0 // Current pattern's total duration, in seconds
var currentPatternBeats = 0 // Current pattern's total duration, in beats
var currentPatternPct = 0 // 0..1 like time(), this is the percentage of the current pattern that has run
var beatCount // Number of beats into the current pattern, as an increasing decimal counter
var phrasePct // Percent into the current phrase, as defined by beatsPerPhrase
// Percent remaining in wholenote, halfnote, beat (quarternote), 8th, 16th, and measure (as defined by `beatsPerMeasure`)
// These go from 1 to 0 and jump back suddently to 1 on the next interval, I.E., they have the opposite ramp as `time()`, `currentPatternPct`, and `phrasePct`
var measure, wholenote, halfnote, beat, note_8, note_16
var currentBeforeRenderer // A reference to the current pattern's beforeRender() equivalent. This is always called in beforeRender, and it should set `renderer` to a function like render3d(i, x, y, z)
var totalPatternCount = 0 // `enqueue()` increments this as patterns are added to the queue
var currentPatternIdx = 0 // Main index for the queue (which pattern is currently playing).
var beforeRendererQueue = array(256) // This is the main pattern queue, storing beforeRenderers()
var durationQueue = array(256) // Stores the duration for each corresponding pattern in beforeRendererQueue, in units of beats. Otherwise, for commands (immediate single execution), the entry is an argument passed to the function.
var continueModeQueue = array(256) // Modality for when to proceed to the next entry in the queue
var continueMode // 0: Continue after a specified duration. 1: After beat detected or the duration. 2: After volume spikes or the duration. 9: Execute once immediately and proceed.
// enqueue(BRFn) - Add an action (a pattern, delay, or command) to the queue. Aliased as `q(BRFn)`.
BRFn: A beforeRender(delta) function. It should assign a `renderer = (index, x, y, z) => {}`
If continueMode == 9, this is a command function that will be executed once, after which the queue proceeds
_beats: The duration this renderer will execute for, in beats at the current BPM
If continueMode == 1 or 2, the pattern may plan for less time if an audio condition is detected from an attached sensor board
if continueMode == 9, this value will be passed as an argument to the command function
continueMode: 0 - Proceed to the next pattern or command in the queue once the duration has expired
1 - Like 0, but if a bass pulse is detected, then proceed to the next pattern early
2 - Like 0, but if a volume spike is detected, such as from silence to any sound, then proceed to the next pattern early
3-8 - Reserved for future use
9 - Execute BrFn() once immediately with _beats passed as an argument, then proceed
Anything else - expect a function reference. Execute the function and proceed if it evaluates truthy.
function enqueue(BRFn, _beats, continueMode) {
beforeRendererQueue[totalPatternCount] = BRFn
durationQueue[totalPatternCount] = _beats
continueModeQueue[totalPatternCount] = continueMode
q = enqueue // Shorthand you'll appreciate when using this a lot
// These are "commands" in that they may a change to a global like the BPM tempo, but execute once instantly instead of for a specified duration.
// Note: setBPM(<30) screws up beat detection, missing beats. It's complicated why, and isn't worth refactoring for.
function setBPM(_bpm) {
enqueue((__bpm) => BPM = __bpm, _bpm, 9)
// updateTimers() is called in beforeRender(). Updates timers that patterns can use, like
// `beat` (% of beat remaing), etc. Also determines when a pattern is complete and it's
// time to go to the next thing in the queue.
var ONE_MINUS_EPSILON = (0xFF >> 16) + (0xFF >> 8) // One minus the smallest number. Highest result of `x % 1`.
function updateTimers(delta) {
currentPatternMs += delta
if (currentPatternMs > 32000) { currentPatternMs -= 32000 }
currentPatternS += delta / 1000
if (currentPatternS >= currentPatternDuration) next()
currentPatternPct = currentPatternS / currentPatternDuration
SPB = 60 / BPM // Seconds per beat
beatCount = currentPatternS / SPB
phrasePct = currentPatternS / (beatsPerPhrase * SPB) % 1
measure = ONE_MINUS_EPSILON - currentPatternS / (beatsPerMeasure * SPB) % 1
wholenote = ONE_MINUS_EPSILON - currentPatternS / (4 * SPB) % 1
halfnote = 2 * wholenote % 1
beat = 4 * wholenote % 1
note_8 = 8 * wholenote % 1
note_16 = 16 * wholenote % 1
// Code to run once between patterns to reset shared state
function beforeNext() {
// Clear shared variables
for (i = 0; i < pixelCount + 1; i++) {
hArr[i] = 0; sArr[i] = 1; vArr[i] = 0
setupDone = 0 // Allow any setup block defined to execute once
lastTrigger = -1 // Clear the rising/falling edge trigger
beatDetected = clapsDetected = hhDetected = () => {} // Unassign any instrument-reactive functions
// Start the next pattern in the queue, beginning `startAtMs` milliseconds into it (usually 0)
function next(startAtMs) {
currentPatternMs = startAtMs
currentPatternS = currentPatternMs / 1000
if (currentPatternIdx >= totalPatternCount) {
begin() // loop
currentPatternBeats = durationQueue[currentPatternIdx]
continueMode = continueModeQueue[currentPatternIdx]
if (continueMode <= 2) { // Run pattern for specified duration (0) or until beat detected (1) or until volume spikes (2)
currentBeforeRenderer = beforeRendererQueue[currentPatternIdx]
currentPatternBeats = currentPatternBeats || beatsPerPhrase
currentPatternDuration = currentPatternBeats * 60 / BPM
function begin() { // This must appear at the very end of the sequence / queue definition, usually the last line of the entire pattern
currentPatternIdx = -1
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// SHARED VARIABLES that multiple patterns might use
var hArr = array(pixelCount + 1) // An extra value avoids index errors in interpolation loops
var sArr = array(pixelCount + 1)
var vArr = array(pixelCount + 1)
// HELPERS - Code that multiple patterns might use
// For the demo version of this pattern, these are very dense to reduce LOC. Sorry.
function off(delta) { renderer = (i, x, y, z) => hsv(0, 0, 0) }
// Gradients that posterize quickly into segments
// Creates segments by detecting zero-crossings in this:
function gapGen(x, p) { return (wave(x/5/p)*wave(x/2) + wave(x/3/p)*wave(x/7)) / 2 - .25 }
function fillHue(l, r, h) { for (i = l; i < r; i++) hArr[i] = h }
var posterize = 0
function togglePosterize() { posterize = !posterize }
function flashPosterize() {
beatDetected = togglePosterize
gapParam = 1 + .4 * triangle(phrasePct) // This animates the posterized segments lengths
FPLastSign = -1 // Init value. Will be 0 for gapGen(x) <= 0, 1 for positive gapGen(x)
FPSegmentStart = 0
FPHFn = (pct) => .3 + pct + time(5 / 65.536) // Hue function for gradient
renderer = (i, x, y, z) => {
pct = i / pixelCount
if (posterize) {
hsv(hArr[i], 1, (hArr[i] == hArr[max(0, i - 1)]))
} else {
hsv(FPHFn(pct), .75, .7)
// Calculate posterized segments for next frame
var f = gapGen(5 + 10 * pct, gapParam) // Animate pct's coeffecient to vary segment frequency
if (FPLastSign != f > 0) { // Detect a zero crossing in the gap function
fillHue(FPSegmentStart, i, FPHFn((FPSegmentStart + i) / 2 / pixelCount))
FPSegmentStart = i
FPLastSign = f > 0
// ************************************************************************
// * PROGRAM SEQUENCE - A series of calls to enqueue() *
// ************************************************************************
q(flashPosterize, 512) // 1024 beats. Pattern then resets / loops
begin() // Every sequence must end with `begin()` :)
And finally, here is the most minimal possible, with the entire sequencer framework removed:
Flash Posterize only
Music Sequencer, with only the Flash Posterize pattern, and all unsed
parts of the framework code removed. Requires the Pixelblaze Sensor Board.
// Values that come from the Sensor Board
export var frequencyData = array(32)
export var energyAverage, maxFrequency, maxFrequencyMagnitude
export var hArr = array(pixelCount + 1) // An extra value avoids index errors in interpolation loops
// Gradients that posterize quickly into segments
// Creates segments by detecting zero-crossings in this:
function gapGen(x, p) { return (wave(x/5/p)*wave(x/2) + wave(x/3/p)*wave(x/7)) / 2 - .25 }
function fillHue(l, r, h) { for (i = l; i < r; i++) hArr[i] = h }
var posterize = 0
function beatDetected() { posterize = !posterize }
export function beforeRender(delta) {
gapParam = 1 + .4 * triangle(time(16 / 65.536)) // This animates the posterized segments lengths
FPLastSign = -1 // Init value. Will be 0 for gapGen(x) <= 0, 1 for positive gapGen(x)
FPSegmentStart = 0
FPHFn = (pct) => .3 + pct + time(5 / 65.536) // Hue function for gradient
export function render(i) {
pct = i / pixelCount
if (posterize) {
hsv(hArr[i], 1, (hArr[i] == hArr[max(0, i - 1)]))
} else {
hsv(FPHFn(pct), .75, .7)
// Calculate posterized segments for next frame
var f = gapGen(5 + 10 * pct, gapParam) // Animate pct's coeffecient to vary segment frequency
if (FPLastSign != f > 0) { // Detect a zero crossing in the gap function
fillHue(FPSegmentStart, i, FPHFn((FPSegmentStart + i) / 2 / pixelCount))
FPSegmentStart = i
FPLastSign = f > 0
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
var bass, maxBass, bassOn // Bass and beats
var bassSlowEMA = .001, bassFastEMA = .001 // Exponential moving averages to compare to each other
var bassThreshold = .02 // Raise this if very soft music with no beats is still triggering the beat detector
var maxBass = bassThreshold // Maximum bass detected recently (while any bass above threshold was present)
var bassVelocitiesSize = 5 // 5 seems right for most. Up to 15 for infrequent bass beats (slower reaction, longer decay), down to 2 for very fast triggering on doubled kicks like in drum n bass
var bassVelocities = array(bassVelocitiesSize) // Circular buffer to store the last 5 first derivatives of the `fast exponential avg/MaxSample`, used to calculate a running average
var lastBassFastEMA = .5, bassVelocitiesAvg = .5
var bassVelocitiesPointer = 0 // Pointer for circular buffer
var bassDebounceTimer = 0
function processBass(delta) {
// Assume Sensor Board updates at 40Hz (25ms); Max BPM 180 = 333ms or 13 samples; Typical BPM 500ms, 20 samples
// Kickdrum fundamental 40-80Hz.
bass = frequencyData[1] + frequencyData[2] + frequencyData[3]
maxBass = max(maxBass, bass)
if (maxBass > 10 * bassSlowEMA && maxBass > bassThreshold) maxBass *= .99 // AGC - Auto gain control
bassSlowEMA = (bassSlowEMA * 999 + bass) / 1000
bassFastEMA = (bassFastEMA * 9 + bass) / 10
bassVelocities[bassVelocitiesPointer] = (bassFastEMA - lastBassFastEMA) / maxBass // Normalized first derivative of fast moving expo avg
bassVelocitiesAvg += bassVelocities[bassVelocitiesPointer] / bassVelocitiesSize
bassVelocitiesPointer = (bassVelocitiesPointer + 1) % bassVelocitiesSize
bassVelocitiesAvg -= bassVelocities[bassVelocitiesPointer] / bassVelocitiesSize
bassOn = bassVelocitiesAvg > .51 // `bassOn` is true when bass is rising
if (bassOn && bassDebounceTimer <= 0) {
bassDebounceTimer = 100 // ms
} else {
bassDebounceTimer = max(-3e4, bassDebounceTimer - delta)
lastBassFastEMA = bassFastEMA