I’m new to writing Pixelblaze code and I’m not terribly skilled with code in general. Good news is that Pixelblaze has inspired me to learn. Bad news is I’m in crunch time and have to have a project completed within 48 hours that relies on a pattern I can’t yet find. Any assistance that could be provided before that time would be GREATLY appreciated.
I need a pattern that starts at the bottom of the Y axis and moves up the Y axis one row at a time only illuminating one row of LEDs at a time.
I have included my mapping in case that helps.
// Mapping is from the perspective of sitting in front of the hallway.
// The Pixelblaze is on the left side of the exit.
// The bottom of the mapper window is the front of the hallway.
// Up fourth left column
// Upper-Left Horizontal Section 3 forward
// Upper-Left Horizontal Section 2 forward
// Upper-Left Horizontal Section 1 forward
// Down first left column
// Up second left column
// Down third left column
// Middle-Left Horizontal Section 3 forward
// Middle-Left Horizontal Section 2 forward
// Skip a pixel. Shorter strip?
// Middle-Left Horizontal Section 1 forward
// Middle-Right Horizontal Section 3 forward
[147,69], // Extra pixel vs other side?
// Middle-Right Horizontal Section 2 forward
// Middle-Right Horizontal Section 1 forward
// Up fourth right column
// Upper-Right Horizontal Section 3 forward
// Upper-Right Horizontal Section 2 forward
// Upper-Right Horizontal Section 1 forward
// Down first right column
// Up third right column
// Down second right column