Just bought the dig quad, as I have 4 rooms in my basement, where I want separate led lights.
3 boys rooms, and a gameroom.
I want a physical on/off switch and an adjustable potentiometer to adjust the brightness. One set for each room/channel.
I feel like this would be a pretty normal wish, and more practical than being forced to use the app for this.
But I cannot find anything on Google on how to do it, or if it even possible?
Welcome to the Pixelblaze forums! Pixelblaze is, like WLED, built on an ESP32, but it’s also quite a bit different. We don’t censor questions about other controllers like WLED, but you might not get the help you’re looking for either.
I think WLED has an active Discord that might be helpful for your questions.
What you ask for is possible with Pixelblaze and I bet it’s possible in WLED too, somehow.
FYI here’s some advantages WLED seems to have over Pixelblaze (though I have to admit I haven’t used it much):
Open source, and can be loaded on very cheap hardware
Buffered output allows for a “current limiting” setting
Full C/C++ programability
very large community for support
Pixelblaze specializes in:
Community-contributed patterns
Programmer happiness - instant compile, instant syntax checking as you type, very few runtime errors. API specific to the work of LEDs. I think of it as being good for people who could do it in Arduino, but prefer to save their time. Making new patterns with code is a joy.
Vertically integrated stack, somewhat like Apple products. You run Pixelblaze firmware on the Pixelblaze controllers, and they cost a bit more than a generic ESP32 board like a Wemos.
Excellent customer support.
Wireless sync for distributed rendering. Great sound reactivity, and easy GPIO.
Focus on floating point (actually 16.16 fixed point) pipeline for visibly better HDR rendering on advanced pixels like SK9822, APA102, WS2816, NS/HD108 etc
Renders as fast as possible vs a fixed frame rate, so you can get 600 FPS if you need it (persistence of vision effects, etc)
Other threads here I think go into more detail as well. Anyway, hope you find a good solution to your switching issue.