I am having a flicking issue with my PixelBlaze 2. I created a Christmas Tree pattern with has been running fine until I added more logic to the pattern.
When I tried to make the pattern bigger (adding a slow-fall effect), then it starts to flicker.
I slowed the data-rate to 488/976nS which helped. But if I go any slower, it won’t work at all.
I think I’ve hit the limit for the number of “if” conditionals I have in the pattern.
For example, there’s a lot of these type of lines:
if ((index == 437 + shift) && t1 < 0.2)
v = sin(PI* t1 * 5); s = 0
The pattern file is ~260 lines, all similar to above example.
Here’s some links to show when its working (no snow-fall effect):
And here’s when I added the snow-fall effect and it broke (flickers):
I’m running firmware 2.28
LEDS: NeoPixel 2812
number of LEDs: 480
FPS: 12.9
I suppose jumping to v3 hardware would probably fix this(?)
Any other suggestions?