Patterns using the Mapper Startup Bug - or User Error?

Hi, apologies if I’m committing a beginner faux pas. Creating this as a separate Feature/Request thread in case it helps others.

Is there a known bug starting up on power on with a Mapped pattern in any case?

Short version: I have a PB powered thru an overhead light circuit, so I switch it on when I want to use it. Upon startup, if last set on a render2d or render3d displayed pattern, I get nothing until either picking a plain index-rendered pattern first, OR entering Mapping page and toggling Fill to Contain.

I have a very simple map, just a (gapped) octagon of linear WS2812’s defined as 2D coordinates:

[10.88313429, -15.98692339],
[11.34711512, -15.52294257],
[11.81109595, -15.05896174],
[12.27507677, -14.59498091],
[12.7390576, -14.13100008],
[13.20303843, -13.66701926],
[13.66701926, -13.20303843],
[14.13100008, -12.7390576],
[14.59498091, -12.27507677],
[15.05896174, -11.81109595],
[15.52294257, -11.34711512],
[15.98692339, -10.88313429],
[19, -3.608923885],
[19, -2.952755906],
[19, -2.296587927],
[19, -1.640419948],
[19, -0.984251969],
[19, -0.32808399],
[19, 0.32808399],
[19, 0.984251969],
[19, 1.640419948],
[19, 2.296587927],
[19, 2.952755906],
[19, 3.608923885],
[15.98692339, 10.88313429],
[15.52294257, 11.34711512],
[15.05896174, 11.81109595],
[14.59498091, 12.27507677],
[14.13100008, 12.7390576],
[13.66701926, 13.20303843],
[13.20303843, 13.66701926],
[12.7390576, 14.13100008],
[12.27507677, 14.59498091],
[11.81109595, 15.05896174],
[11.34711512, 15.52294257],
[10.88313429, 15.98692339],
[3.608923885, 19],
[2.952755906, 19],
[2.296587927, 19],
[1.640419948, 19],
[0.984251969, 19],
[0.32808399, 19],
[-0.32808399, 19],
[-0.984251969, 19],
[-1.640419948, 19],
[-2.296587927, 19],
[-2.952755906, 19],
[-3.608923885, 19],
[-10.88313429, 15.98692339],
[-11.34711512, 15.52294257],
[-11.81109595, 15.05896174],
[-12.27507677, 14.59498091],
[-12.7390576, 14.13100008],
[-13.20303843, 13.66701926],
[-13.66701926, 13.20303843],
[-14.13100008, 12.7390576],
[-14.59498091, 12.27507677],
[-15.05896174, 11.81109595],
[-15.52294257, 11.34711512],
[-15.98692339, 10.88313429],
[-19, 3.608923885],
[-19, 2.952755906],
[-19, 2.296587927],
[-19, 1.640419948],
[-19, 0.984251969],
[-19, 0.32808399],
[-19, -0.32808399],
[-19, -0.984251969],
[-19, -1.640419948],
[-19, -2.296587927],
[-19, -2.952755906],
[-19, -3.608923885],
[-15.98692339, -10.88313429],
[-15.52294257, -11.34711512],
[-15.05896174, -11.81109595],
[-14.59498091, -12.27507677],
[-14.13100008, -12.7390576],
[-13.66701926, -13.20303843],
[-13.20303843, -13.66701926],
[-12.7390576, -14.13100008],
[-12.27507677, -14.59498091],
[-11.81109595, -15.05896174],
[-11.34711512, -15.52294257],
[-10.88313429, -15.98692339],
[-3.608923885, -19],
[-2.952755906, -19],
[-2.296587927, -19],
[-1.640419948, -19],
[-0.984251969, -19],
[-0.32808399, -19],
[0.32808399, -19],
[0.984251969, -19],
[1.640419948, -19],
[2.296587927, -19],
[2.952755906, -19],
[3.608923885, -19],

When interface is first powered up after being last set on a render2d pattern, I see a warning in the interface:

I am on v3.40 which shows as valid current version.

If you need a code example I’m using the downloadable “Sun rays thru trees” with only some slider adjustments as last setting and it shows this behavior.

You know, something doesn’t feel right to me either.

I don’t think it’s related to the map. I’m seeing that on 3.40, if it’s not in Playlist mode, it will always power on to load the last pattern that was saved in the editor instead of the last pattern that was playing. If the last-saved pattern was deleted, it will power on and load nothing.

I’d expect it to work like you’re saying: It should load the last pattern that was playing. I do see that when it’s in an active playlist, it restarts the playlist from the first entry.

I’ll talk it over with @wizard!

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OK, I’ll try pushing the pattern to Editor, just tweak a slider default, then re-save. See what happens…

{Jeopardy theme plays in background…}

Yup, comes up with the last Edited pattern using render2d just fine.

So for now, I have a workaround, and don’t need to worry I’m doing something wrong in my mapper. Thanks! We can flag this ‘fixed’ if there’s such a thing? or at least identify that there is a workaround.

Looks like a bug! I’ll get that in the next update.