Pigtail connectors for Output Expander


I’ll be soldering the pin headers to the output expander soon, and looking for recommendations for a simple way to connect my light strings to the expander. I’d like it to be easily connected and removed.

What I had in mind is some sort of pigtail that I could connect to my xconnect pigtails as that’s how my light strings are terminated.

I could also wire the pin connectors directly to my xconnect pigtails if it’s a simple process. I don’t have steady hands so I’m trying to avoid delicate soldering situations. TIA,

Hey @SeaLaVie -

A lot of what you describe is exactly what I like the Pro Expander for. The pluggable screw terminals are easily connected and removed, making spares easy. They are faster than soldering or crimping and don’t require as steady a hand.

That said, once when a project felt like it had lots of time but not a lot of budget, I did strip and crimp the data wire from connectors similar to xConnect pigtails into tiny Dupont-style connectors (think like, 3-pin female servo connectors). With careful strain relief, it can work.