This Audio Player would work perfectly, but I would need to be able to have PB connect to it with 2 wires (serial port Rx and Tx). I would also need PB to be able to send simple 4 to 6 character text strings to play, stop, pause, etc
The module supports status returns over the Rx, but I think this feature could be ignored. So the Rx line would not be necessary.
I am seeing quite a few audio trigger boards, but I need to be able to select the sound based on the effect I want. Plus, I need to be able to play multiple sounds at the same time. For example, when I am running the engines and I fire a phaser, I need the engines to continue running.
The trigger boards all seem to play a single file at a time. And the only control they give is Next or Previous track without me being able to specify a specific track (like phasers verses torpedoes). The minimal serial interface the DFRobot module I linked to has the ability to directly specify the track(s) as well as play more than one at a time (like engines and phasers at the same time).