Has anyone had any luck compiling a PBP from a javascript pattern file “offline”? I’m trying to setup a build system so I can deploy pixelblaze patterns more efficiently.
I am trying to use @zranger1 's awesome pixelblaze-client library. Currently I am able to upload my manually downloaded Main.pbp file, which was created afer I edited my Main.js file on the pixelblaze IDE.
Now I am trying to use the pixelblaze-client’s compilePattern method to convert my Main.js source code into bytecode, and then finally use PBP.fromBytes() on this compiled bytecode to produce a Main.pbp.
It seems that I am getting compiled bytecode, and I am converting it to a Main.pbp, but I have a feeling that the compiled bytecode is not the correct format for the PBP class to convert. When I try to use PBP.toPixelblaze() to send the Main.pbp, the compiled pattern does not upload like a normal pbp file would.
I read in the compilePattern() comments that the method is meant to be used to send a binary to the renderer, so I’m wondering if there is a better way to compile bytecode?
My next step is to try using selenium to spoof the IDE into thinking a user is uploading the Main.js via a script.