Pixelblaze hang?

I’ve had my PixelBlaze running 3.51 on a set of concentric rings for several years now.

Recently, though, the PixelBlaze seems to hang after running for about 5-10 minutes.

Power-cycling brings it back, but I’d like to have it run for hours, as it has in the past.

I don’t think it’s overheating, but I could be wrong…

Anyway, any hints/clues would help.

Hi @EricBr ,

It might be a power supply giving up. Some of them use cheap capacitors that don’t last very long.

You could try running at reduced brightness. If that helps then I’d try adding some bulk capacitors near the power supply output if possible, or replacing it.

If not, try pulling the PB out and powering alone with a different supply like usb. See if it’s stable on its own.

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I haven’t switched the power supply yet, but I went through the settings pages, and somehow my LED count had been reset to 0, and the LED type reset to No LEDs. I’ll double check the power supply later (it’s in a hard to access spot.)

That sounds like a fail safe is kicking in due to brown outs - definitely suspect the power.