Howdy forum,
So we are building a 3D LED sculpture here that is made of a number of translucent plastic tubes with LED strips running through the inside of them and we want to map it spatially with a V3 pixelblaze board.
We want to run 6 strips of LEDs with 200 pixels each, and those 6 are connected in parallel with an 8-64 Channel Output Expander. The strips we are using are all WS2812.
We made the 3D coordinates array JSON file and tested it out with the example mapping file. However, we couldn’t get any response from the LEDs. But when we deleted some coordinates (as we suspect that we might be hitting the ceiling of the on-board memory), we see the LEDs responding.
Here’s the question - are we hitting the upper limit of the number of LEDs here? Or this could be something else?