PixelBlaze v3 - Mapping - Maximum Number/Resolution of 3D coordinates?

Howdy forum,

So we are building a 3D LED sculpture here that is made of a number of translucent plastic tubes with LED strips running through the inside of them and we want to map it spatially with a V3 pixelblaze board.

We want to run 6 strips of LEDs with 200 pixels each, and those 6 are connected in parallel with an 8-64 Channel Output Expander. The strips we are using are all WS2812.

We made the 3D coordinates array JSON file and tested it out with the example mapping file. However, we couldn’t get any response from the LEDs. But when we deleted some coordinates (as we suspect that we might be hitting the ceiling of the on-board memory), we see the LEDs responding.

Here’s the question - are we hitting the upper limit of the number of LEDs here? Or this could be something else?


Shouldn’t be a limit problem. Can you post a screenshot for you settings page?
Can you get any patterns showing up?

Also post your JSON map if you don’t mind! Sometimes I miss the part under the mapping text entry window where it tells me if the map parsed correctly.

I’m part of the project team - Kaiwenfa and I are working on this together. Here’s a screenshot, and here’s some test JSON code we’re working with:

This code is not our final, we’re just testing grids here. We’ll keep everyone posted - we’re loving working with PixelBlaze!

[[	0	,	0	,	0	]	,
[	1	,	0	,	0	]	,
[	2	,	0	,	0	]	,
[	3	,	0	,	0	]	,
[	4	,	0	,	0	]	,
[	5	,	0	,	0	]	,
[	6	,	0	,	0	]	,
[	7	,	0	,	0	]	,
---- skipping 900 rows ----
[	3	,	7	,	0	]	,
[	2	,	7	,	0	]	,
[	1	,	7	,	0	]	,
[	0	,	7	,	0	]	,]

For count, I see you keep increasing the count for each channel, but this is the per-channel count. This may hit a limit depending on the output expander version. If you have 230 pixels on each channel, put in 230 for each count field. The Pixels field is updated automatically based on the sum of all of these, and you should not have to override it.

For index, I’d use the Auto button unless you have specific requirements. On your indexing, you are off by one. Pixelblaze uses zero based indexing. The indexes for the first channel would be 0-229 inclusive, and the start index for the second channel would therefore be 230. Technically this is allowable, you can have gaps or overlaps, but many patterns that rely on the index assume a contiguous pixel index and will generate array out of bounds errors if it sees pixel indexes >= pixelCount.

BTW feel free to paste the whole map (or edit your previous post), this way we can test the whole setup.

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I would like to see the JSON file code as well. I’m trying to teach myself how to map pixels in a JSON array