Pixelblaze V3 Standard and Pico store pages were just approved on Tindie!
The Wizard’s Alchemical Factory of Circuitry and Solder is wrapping up a wholesale order for Crowd Supply so that they can fulfill their preorders, and then will be building/finishing stock for the Tindie store. The Crowd Supply campaign orders are at the Mouser warehouse and are being processed, so be sure your shipping info is up to date!
This means that Tindie orders won’t ship immediately, and I expect to ship them before the end of next week.
My V3 was ordered on Crowdsupply, delivery now estimated now for March 14…
I contacted them but they appear to be unwilling or unable to commit to that as an actual ship date… dang. Hmmmm… the bad weather excuse only plays just so long…
Looking forward to getting mine in any case!
Update: CS responded confirming estimated delivery date of March 14.
Hi @JustPete,
Yes, unfortunately the Texas snow storm knocked out shipping and the Mouser warehouse, and they are working through quite a backlog and seem to have not yet shipped any pre-orders.
Were you notified when this updated posted to Crowd Supply? I think this is the info you are looking for.
The only thing I would add is that the Output expanders had shipped right around the time that update was posted, so those are also at the warehouse and waiting to be processed like the other items.
Did they send it to someone after the deadline indicated by them, on March 14? I placed my order on January 25th and I no longer believe that they will ship it.
I contacted CrowdSupply on the 15th (thought I would give them an extra day) got a reply back saying they were expecting to ship units this week but offered no firm date. They must have been hit really hard by that storm. Visions of the future???
I’m really sorry to see that the Crowd Supply pre-orders haven’t shipped. Doubly so since the ETA hasn’t updated. I’ll contact CS and see if I can get any more info.
It’s not just Crowd Supply. Big chunks of everybody’s logistics are still a snarled mess – wife has had lab supplies that were shipped frozen (via FedEx, which is usually super reliable) delayed in Texas until they melted to uselessness, causing cascading delay down the line in a whole series of other people’s research, production and shipping…
Unfortunately, I think this is just going to bounce around for a little while yet.
Thanks for checking on this – a revised shipping date would be really helpful as I decide to use v3 or v2 in my production version of a project I’ve been playing with.
Hi @ZacharyRD,
Crowd Supply sets the shipping dates for Crowd Supply orders. I will ask them to get an update out.
V3 is available to purchase and in stock in the Tindie store as well. Tindie orders ship 4 days a week. I have stock of V2, V3 Standard and Pico, as well as accessories and LEDs.
Thank you @wizard – In stock means I’ll actually get a board faster ordering directly from Tindie at this point, despite buying a Crowd Supply order a month ago? Not your fault, and I can do that and keep the other as a spare, I guess.
In that case – is the older Sensor Expansion Board that shipped 6 months ago the same board that ships from Crowd Supply v3 PixelBlazes, or are the old sensor expansion boards forward compatible?
(I have a project working breadboarded on a v2 + Sensor Expansion Board, and was going to use a v3 for the production hardware, and have a spare Sensor Expansion Board around still).