Hi there,
I’m entirely new to this scene and am interested in using the Pixelblaze V3. I have purchased 2m of addressable RGBIC COB strip (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004792048106.html). This is a 5V strip and the specs list it at 6w per metre. Due to the low power requirements I am hoping to run this off of a USB-C PD power brick (Apple 30w base is 5V/3A). I also plan to only run it at low power (20-50%). The micro-usb connector can handle only 1.8amps so I will need to wire directly into LED strip and backfeed the 5V to the Pixelblaze.
I had some outstanding questions:
- Will 15w of power be enough to run this strip at low brightness?
- Will it be safe to run this off of a USB-C PD charger?
- With no negotiation taking place with the charger, will the power output default to 5V/3A or should I purchase a decoy board and set it to 5V (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004324778777.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.571047a6dWbl2m&algo_pvid=bcab2729-ff45-4b24-97d5-7677b6e123d4&aem_p4p_detail=202211022024281350377071859530010395031&algo_exp_id=bcab2729-ff45-4b24-97d5-7677b6e123d4-3&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000028760629535"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!AUD!4.23!4.23!!!!!%4021031a5516674458684984346ea9b3!12000028760629535!sea&curPageLogUid=SNNL2yN6DP3H&ad_pvid=202211022024281350377071859530010395031_4)
Thanks for your help!