I have a matrix with 10 rows x 120 pixels with Apa102 LEDs in zigzag mode. The problem is that some patterns work properly and some do not. For the patterns that do not work properly, the last 3 rows are not displayed. Is there a limited number of pixels for some patterns?
Pixelblaze supports 5000 apa102 pixels, I have 1200 pixels total.
I use Pixelblaze v3 - 3.20
The settings of the matrix and the LEDs are correct, because some patterns work and some do not.
some patterns that work:
An Intro to Pixelblaze Code
block reflections
color fade pulse
block reflections
some patterns that do not work:
Line Dancer 2D
Doom Fire
Cube Fire 3D
honeycomb 2D/3D
pulse 2D
on my other matrix with 512 ws2812b everything works fine