Public shout out to Jerry B! My Infinity Dodecahedron :)

Just wanted to give a big shout out to @JerryB for passing on his files for laser cutting an Infinity Dodecahedron.

After seeing C.A.R.L (and not even in person, only online) I wanted to make one of my own. I was exploring 3D printing but getting time on a printer through work would be difficult and expensive, that’s when I stumbled on Jerry B’s post where he detailed how to make one, without 3D printed parts, and all on a laser cuter (which we just so happen to use at work).

So I ordered up a Pixelblaze, spent a LOT of money on LED’s and raw materials and set to work. After a day on the laser cutter (I made a bunch of spares in case i had issues, glad I did) and about 2 weeks of after work project time… It’s working (after fault finding shorts, loose connections yadda yadda) I now see how deeplight were selling their art pieces for thousands. I think if I charged less than my hourly wage now it would be $2100 for just the labour (not including the laser time). SO MUCH WORK. but oh so worth it:)

Anyway, it’s not completely finished yet but here is my taped together baby:

Thanks again Jerry, and the rest of this community:)


I want to thank my Mom, my Dad and all the people that made LED’s possible…

Looks great and now I have someone who can truly empathize with the fun I had building mine!

Great work and u need to charge $5k. Since mine is a 1st edition, I’ll ask for $50k.


Haha awesome!

Ah I’d never sell them as I didnt come up with the design, but I fully understand how much is involved with making them now! And also how handy having access to a laser cutter reduces costs:)

I’ve got one that I’m powering via battery pack and the other will be wired. I’m hoping a buddy can come take some shots in the snow at some point:)

Also, build 1 I used the first round of led holders and brackets… was a pain in some instances… build 2 used ones I glued while in the jig, made life 10000% easier! Highly recommend if you make another!

I have to finish up my LED Pineapple and 2,000 LED staff first. How did u build ur jig? I was bouncing off the walls trying to click in all the tabs!

I just used a piece of scrap acrylic, cut out just the holes for the pegs (one side of a face panel) and then taped it to a piece of cardboard at the right angle, placed the holder and pegs assembled on top so it sat properly and then glued (1 drop) once it set after a few minutes, I’d flip it over, check the other side went in easily and then go over it all with a few more drops. If it was wonky I found I could break the bond with a pair of long nose pliers and go again (only happened on a few though)