I’ve just gone and done the clicky clicky for over 400 LEDs on the pixel mapping tool. But even though the intention is that I’ve sewn the LEDs into a regular pattern, the mapping is quite inaccurate to to the LEDs being sewn into fabric, which is a bit lumpy as it’s laid out on the floor for the photo.
Has anyone done the work to take the output of the mapper and “quantise” it to a regular grid (of the size of the user’s choosing)? I can see roughly how you’d do it in JS but if anyone’s done the work and can save me from having to think that’d be nice
I can’t help you with quantizing the coordinates after the fact but you could give my tool a try to have quantized coordinates from the start: http://ledmapper.spoodoolabs.com/
1: Load a background image
2: Tick the ‘Coarse grid with snapping’ checkbox
3: Tick the ‘Auto Index’ checkbox
4: Adjust the grid size to your liking
5: Either single click into the grid or drag the cursor while holding the left mouse button down to draw LEDs
6: (Optional) Drag and drop the LEDs around to make corrections, they’ll snap to the grid automatically