Setting up a tablet to send user commands / output to Pixelblaze controller

Hi all. : ) I’m considering using an Android or similar tablet for user interaction with a couple of upcoming installations that will include LEDs, and thus likely PixelBlaze. This seems likely to be simple and direct for users if possible, including allowing them to see the text they enter before submitting it.

My question:
are there straightforward ways I can send instructions directly from the tablet to the Pixelblaze controller?

Such as, for example, have the tablet itself run a script that translates text into animation commands, and then send those animation campaigns directly to the chip so the chip can then directly handle the animations from that tablet script’s output.

I did a quick search of the forums here, and didn’t see any specifics.


~ j : )

The answer is going to be some shade of yes, but I don’t have a good answer how. I’ve done something similar using Zranger’s python library (see Pixelblaze-client: Python 3 library for Pixelblaze). This allows you to set values for exported variables which you can then use to change patterns. I have no idea how to use python on android. You could presumably use the same underlying methods, but I can’t help you there.


Thank you so much for the help.

Would these websocket commands work?

An example of using them in a Node project is Firestorm.