I’m curious if connecting the power supply that’s driving my PB/LED strip to a smart outlet so I can control on and off using Alexa would be detrimental to the hardware long term?
I’m curious if connecting the power supply that’s driving my PB/LED strip to a smart outlet so I can control on and off using Alexa would be detrimental to the hardware long term?
You should be fine.
I would avoid cutting power to Pixelblaze if it is actively being modified, but writes to the storage only happen through interaction in the interface (or via APIs).
I’ve been running an art installation this way for a year without a problem. Plug it in directly to wall power before making any code/pattern changes to avoid write corruption.
I’ve been running several Pixelblazes from smart outlets, both indoor and out. My house exterior Pixelblaze has zwave relays in all the power boxes. No problems at all. It saves a little energy, and a lot of worry about leaving those big power supplies permanently on.