Hello hello !
I’m currently working on synchronizing 2 pixelblazes. Let’s call them PB1 (Leader) and PB2 (Follower).
The leader (PB1) has buttons and reads GPIO to adjust hue and luminosity.
Unfortunately the variables I use to “offset” the calculated hue and luminosity do not carry forward to the follower, so if i modify manually the color with the buttons on the leader, the follower does not move.
Am i missing something ? I’d really like to be able to adjust all followers with the physical button on one PB.
Thank you !
Example is the “Fireflies” pattern i adapted with a color picker: look at “hue” and “hBT”
/* ______________BUTTON MANAGEMENT________________*/
// Buttons connected to GPIO input pins
var buttonOneValue, buttonTwoValue
//Initialize button adjust
export function getButtonsStatus(){
buttonOneValue = digitalRead(BUTTON_ONE_PIN)
buttonTwoValue = digitalRead(BUTTON_TWO_PIN)
export function processButtons(index) {
if (index == 0) {
if (buttonOneValue == 1) {
hBT=hBT+0.0005 //Loop hue
if (hBT>1){hBT=0}
if (index == 1) {
if (buttonTwoValue == 1) {
vBT=vBT+0.001 //Loop luminosity
if (vBT>1){vBT=0.01}
/* _______________________________________________*/
This is a fork of the sparks pattern where each spark is:
- Slowed down
- Given a longer lifetime
- Allowed to loop from one end to the other
This is a highly upvoted pattern generously contributed to the community
pattern library by an unknown person. Please reach out if you'd like an
attribution link here!
// Add a color picker control to make it easy to change the color
// Set up variables to store the chosen color
var hue = 0, saturation = 0, value = 1
export function hsvPickerColor(_h, _s, _v) {
sparkHue = _h
sparkSaturation = _s
value = _v
hBT=0 //Reset manual hue offset to make sure the color selected is accurate
sparkHue = hue // Set the hue for each spark
sparkSaturation = 1 // Set the saturation for each spark (0 = white)
numSparks = 1 + floor(pixelCount / 10) // Scale number of sparks based on # LEDs
decay = .99 // Decay their energy/speed. Use .999 for slower
maxSpeed = .4 // The maximum initial speed of any spark / firefly
newThreshhold = .01 // Recycle any spark under this energy
sparks = array(numSparks)
sparkX = array(numSparks)
pixels = array(pixelCount)
export function beforeRender(delta) {
delta *= .1
for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) pixels[i] *= .9 // Air cooling
for (i = 0; i < numSparks; i++) {
// Recycle dead sparks
if (abs(sparks[i]) <= newThreshhold) {
sparks[i] = (maxSpeed / 2) - random(maxSpeed)
sparkX[i] = random(pixelCount)
sparks[i] *= decay // Spark energy decay
sparkX[i] += sparks[i] * delta // Advance each position ∝ its energy
// Allow sparks to loop around each end
if (sparkX[i] >= pixelCount) sparkX[i] = 0
if (sparkX[i] < 0) sparkX[i] = pixelCount - 1
// Heat up the pixel at this spark's X position
pixels[floor(sparkX[i])] += sparks[i]
hue=sparkHue+hBT //Color is the picker selection + manual button offset
/* ---------------------------------------------------- RENDERING ------------------------------------------------------------ */
export function render(index) { render3D(index, 1, index / pixelCount, 1) } //If pattern is 1D, it will use the y of the mapping as index, and z=1 by default
export function render2D(index, x, y) { render3D(index, x, y, 1) } //If pattern is 2D, it will use z=1 by default
export function render3D(index, x, y, z) {
if(z==0){rgb(0,0,0);return} //Disables all the LED at coordinates z=0
processButtons(index) //Does the cooking depending of buttons state
v = pixels[index]
hsv(hue, sparkSaturation, (v * v * 10)%1*vBT)