Excuse me while I don my formal robes…
Ah much better.
Welcome to our new venue, where we shall endeavor to mutual improve our skills, cast lights into the aethers, and whet our brains, and perhaps our brows.
Based on the excellent set of potential tasks and those who voted, let’s start with a good basic one that will teach some starting skills:
Randomness upon Randomness
The tools at your disposal:
A Pixelblaze. v2 or v3, shouldn’t matter.
A strand of LEDs. Matrix not needed, no mapping. Assume nothing about the potential user of your pattern. They might have 10 LEDs, they might have 100, or 500. Don’t make them adjust your code to run it.
Color: random
What to light: one random pixel at a time.
Speed: not too fast, but not regular either. It should twinkle randomly for a few, go out for a bit and then light another at random. We shouldn’t be able to predict it.
Bonus points for being pretty to watch.
It shouldn’t be static-y, it should be pleasing.
(We will improve on this next round as well, I have an idea about how we can step by step add features)
Ready, set…Go.
Discuss issues/ideas here, but no spoilers for those trying to figure out how to do this. Code can be shared in the matching Answer thread (which doesn’t exist yet, let’s give everyone a few days first)
Welcome again, and may your Pixels be Ablaze.
One of your humble tutors,
Scruffy Nerf