Is it possible to add a boolean UI controller that can be used to toggle a variable to true/false?
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Great idea! @jeff had dome something similar with the sliders by checking a threshold. e.g.
export function sliderPerlinOrSimplex(v) {
useSimplex = v > 0.5
As seen in his Perlin/Simplex Noise patterns.
I think a dedicated control for that will make a cleaner and more intuitive interface.
I actually did the same thing! But yeah, it’s not very intuitive. Agree that a dedicated control would help. Thanks
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+1, while you can “fake it” with a slider, from UI perspective, a 1/0 binary slider, a checkbox, enable/disable switch, etc etc, any of those would help greatly to improve not only the UI experience but also the code simplicity.
I was looking for the same thing I am glad to see others requesting the same functionality.