Trouble connecting v3 in client mode

I have a V3 that connects in AP mode and runs fine. But when I try to connect it in client mode it appears successful but discovery service doesn’t find it. (yes, the discovery checkbox is checked). In addition, I can’t find it manually on my network either. I do have quite a few unnamed esp modules on my network, so it’s possible that I’m missing it. But, using my router’s wireless clients table, I’ve listed and compared all the IP numbers in use with and without the PB “connected”. The number of devices and the IP numbers in use remained unchanged. And, I refresh the router’s client list between comparisons.

From what I can tell, either it isn’t connecting to my network at all, or it connects but somehow the IP number it has persists in the client table after the device is removed and the client table has been refreshed. I don’t really want to have to try connecting manually to each possible IP number.

Any ideas how I can troubleshoot this further?

I suppose I could connect one of my other PB’s in AP mode and then try to connect the troublesome PB to it in client mode. (I just learned that I could do that today…and that is really cool)

Well, this morning PixelBlaze Discovery located it. It show up on my network as an “Unknown” device not as an ESP device. And, sure enough, once it’s on the router’s list of wireless clients it appears to persist there even after removing the PB and refreshing the router’s client list. Now that I have found it, I wrote down its Mac number, so if discovery fail a me again, I should be be able find it again.

Still don’t know why discovery service couldn’t locate it yesterday or the days before, but it’s working now.

Followup question. Is there a way to find the Mac number if you are connected to the PixelBlaze, other than from the router?

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Hi @Booli! Glad to hear you got it working!

Turning IP addresses into MAC addresses is something the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) can do. This should work on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

jvyduna$ arp
? ( at c4:4f:33:b:d2:31 on en0 ifscope [ethernet]

arp -a will show you your entire ARP cache. arp -ad will blow the cache away so you can start from a clean slate, and shouldn’t harm anything.

Are those commands run in terminal?

Yep. You got it. Discourse requires posts be 20 chars so I’ll just keep writing affirmations till it lets me submit this :slight_smile: