Tutorial/Questions: Music Sequencer - for V3 ONLY by Jeff Vyduna to run a DJ set

Hello everybody,

After hours and hours on this pretty tough piece of code, I managed to be able to to modify it without breaking stuff towards my needs. I post here to document my process (might be useful to beginners like me). I plan to edit this post in the future with new findings. I’m still far from understanding 100% but i got the logic (brilliant by the way).

My goal is to use the sound processing framework (which is more advanced than the usual PI controller used on other sound patterns) to run during a small festival stage DJ set (techno), with little to no intervention on the parameters. At the moment I got how to make a pattern that reacts to music always in the same way, and I would like to understand how to bring variations during breaks or drops.

The original code has been simplified a bit:

  1. Removed most of the built-in patterns (except volume tuning because it’s very useful to see how variables move according to the sound)
  2. Not using the “sequencer” at the moment as i technically want only one pattern running with little to no no intervention during the DJ set. I kept it for future use as I sense it is the key to detect drops/breaks.

Here is my version of the pattern (original author is by Jeff Vyduna):
_1-SOUND_Music Sequencer Full Engine(1).epe (37.1 KB)

___ CODE STRUCTURE ___ (in order from top to bottom)
You’re not required to modify anything before “6. Your renderers”. Everything above this section is the sound processing and sequencing framework.

  1. Variables declaration (inc. sensor board)

  2. Before render/render functions
    These are the classic functions used in all patterns. Before render contains all the sound processing. Render are nested to allow the code with 1D, 2D or 3D mapping. No specific “perso” pattern code comes here, you add your patterns at the end of the code (6.)

    This is the really tough part of the code. It contains all the code updating variables that will be used to make the pattern react to sound.
    A bit of detail: https://electromage.com/docs/sensor-expansion-board#sound

  • function processVolume(delta): pretty well commented. It’s using a moving average to compare the last sampled sound to a more “smoothed” sound. It allows to detect if the current sound is getting louder for example.
  • function debounce(trigger, fn, timerIdx, duration, elapsed): when the code detects a beat for example, it will detect it over several samplings. Debounce is to avoid triggering it several times
  • function processInstruments(delta): here you have frequency analysis from the sensor board. I found out the detection of high hats or claps does not work very well with techno due to the lack of trebles. This is where you can adjust the core code if I understand correctly.
    High Hats use sensor board 29-30 bins = 7-9 kHz range
    Claps use SB 18-24 bins = 1.8-4kHz range (looks too high for techno but I still need to do some tests)
    Bass use SB 1-3 bins = 50-100 Hz range (pretty accurate)
  • :question:The rest of functions calculate the tempo / beat detection. On this i struggle to understand how it works
    These control how your pattern is executed. This is to control basically how you jump from a pattern (below) to the next one. A lot of functions are actually aliases that are used when you call the patterns below.

    Some helping functions that can be used on the patterns. I don’t really touch here.

  • The PI controller is used if you want to use non-normalized sound variables. For example beat, beatDetected work as 0…1 or activated/desactivated. But if you want to use a Volume EMA, or a frequency EMA for example, this adjusts a gain. This allows you to have for example full luminosity at a drop, then gain is adjusted and luminosity is reduced a bit. This give more impact to sound spikes.
  • :question: I struggle to understand how to use efficiently the other helpers, even when looking in the built-in patterns
    This is where you write your patterns.
    Let’s see an example:
function autoplay(delta) {
  //Instructions here are equivalent to beforeRender() instructions in a "normal" pattern

  //Then you call a renderer and write inside all the instructions you usually find in render3D(index, x, y, z)
  renderer = (i, x, y, z) => {  
    //Render instructions below
    pct = i / pixelCount //pct returns a number 0..1 with the position in your index (same as 1..pixelCount)
    hArr[i]=1 //Hue for the pixel at your index
    sArr[i]=1 //Saturation for the pixel at your index
    vArr[i]=1 //Luminosity for the pixel at your index
    hsv(hArr[i],sArr[i],vArr[i]) //Display pixel at index i
    This basically creates a slider to allow you to manually loop between the patterns without modifying the queue. You need to use the function name of each pattern to fill the array. I have commented and improved a bit the code to be easier to adapt.

    All the patterns to execute are written below. In my code there is nothing because i use the manual selector, but it’s exactly the same thing:

q("Name of the pattern function") //Executes the pattern

There are a bunch of ways to execute patterns depending of conditions (this is what “4. Patterns & Command Queue” is for). I have not dived in detail in it yet, i’ll update occasionally.

Hopefully it will help beginners who want to use this awesome code written by Jeff Vyduna.
I will ask my questions in a separate message below to keep this as an explanation only.


Very nice tutorial!

May I ask why v is squared in several hsv(h,s,v) function calls used in the Music Sequencer code, for example hsv(h,s,v*v)?

That improves contrast.

Is it essentially a gamma correction?

Yep, it’s for gamma correction.

sRGB uses brightness^2.2, so v*v is close and fast to calculate.

If your v values are in 0…1, v^3 also looks good; it’s a matter of taste but you’ll need SK9822 or APA102 pixels to really maximize the benefit, otherwise the low values you’re trying to compress will quantize in a slightly disappointing way on 8-bit-per-color pixels.

Note that GS8208s already have a decent built-in gamma correction, so you may want to take out all those v*v’s if using those.

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Interesting. I asked because I recently figured squaring the luminance is necessary, but only when it comes to visualizing light intensity that is meant to represent sound intensity, such as in a light organ application and wanted to know if the same reasoning applied to the squaring of the luminance in the Music Sequencer as well. But, this gamma correction idea seems to apply to any application.

I had previously been unsatisfied with the pixel brightness fluctuations while listening to music and testing a light organ project. It just didn’t look right.

I came to the realization that maybe the way we perceive sound is not the same as the way we perceive light. Then found Stevens’s Power Law says the exponent of sound perception is the stimulus raised to the 0.67 power. The exponent for light perception is different, at 0.33. Dividing 0.67 by 0.33 gives 2, so squaring the luminance makes the sound and light perceptions match.

After that correction, the eyes finally see what the ears hear.

That’s interesting about the ratio of those two.

The exponent used is actually incredibly sensitive to context (and a little bit to wavelength). I’ve always assumed sRGB 2.2 is because the Stevens exponent for a point source is 0.5, meaning we compress variation on the bright end (likely evolved to help us avoid predators in low light while still functioning in daylight). To perceptually reverse this, we need to apply the inverse of I^(1/2), which would be I^2.

Yeah. I hemmed and hawed over whether to use 0.5 for point source or 0.33 for 5 deg. target and settled on 0.33 after some googling and also trying both. Apparently, 0.5 would be best for a single, isolated LED, but when several LEDs close together in a string the eye integrates them into a line segment. Fortunately both exponents were derived in a ambient dark environment where this light organ would be used. Interestingly, this means the often quoted squared function would be applied to luminance with a single LED to linearize perception, while cubing would be better for a larger group of LEDs close together to linearize perception. I don’t know what the Stevens exponents would be in a brighter ambient environment, though, and flashing them adds a whole nother dimension.

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