Unbelievable Freight Costs

Hi pixel blaze
(Ben Henche)

I was just wondering what you have against Australians, to put such an unbelievable freight cost on buying your ElectroMage Pixelblaze.

Shipping to Australia starts at $90.00 ($130.69 AUD)

I am sorry but I cannot see how it could possibly cost that much
(unless your are maybe offering OVERNIGHT DELIVERY)

I am very interested in your device and would much prefer to buy yours rather than a Chinese Copy

this is the page i am getting a price quote from

really hope this is a mistake if not something is seriously wrong with your freight supplier


I have nothing against Australians! Before this whole pandemic mess, I had a fair number of happy Australian customers.

The cornavirus really messed up international mail, which is what I was using. I would ship via USPS First Class mail, which uses the regular mail system and hands off to local mail through international treaties. Unfortunately, this became very unreliable, and deliveries were either disappearing entirely, taking 2+ months, or getting returned/rejected.

So the alternatives are commercial carriers. Right now, I’m shipping internationally via DHL, which is still pretty new to me, and the prices are yet unpredictable. DHL only provides their express service in the US, which is a lot more expensive than USPS, but usually takes just 3-5 days, and they are MUCH better about dealing with customs. However, I’ve been hit with $30-90 charges, and the estimator tool they provide isn’t accurate. It isn’t overnight, but its really fast for international. For contrast, before the pandemic, USPS would take 1-4 weeks, with sometimes customs snags that could delay it further.

So for right now, I’m trying to cover my bases with the higher shipping charge, and if it ends up being less I’ve been issuing refunds through Tindie for the difference. It usually takes a week or so before I see the final bill. Once I get a feel for the average shipping costs to a country/area I’ve been updating the shipping rates accordingly.

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I being selling in ebay for a while. Ebay has a international shipping method that is really cheap for the seller. I hope this help some how.

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If you’ve come here looking for shipping info, I have good news!

We’ve re-enabled USPS International First Class mail, with insurance, which takes around 2-6 weeks for $16. We’ve also added USPS Priority mail, also with insurance, which has a listed delivery time of 6-10 days and is $45.

We will continue to offer DHL Express International as well.


Thats really good to hear
was going to check in and see if things have improved
because the price you had before was just ridiculous

So you might see me order real soon
just evaluating one I ended up getting from china

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