I have a v3 board that won’t boot to wifi setup screen. upon restart a pattern blinks on for 1 second then matrix goes black. Board has solid light. Boots to normal interface, but cannot change pattern or get any pattern to run. Happened after trying to paste some code in a 2D pattern. Seems like I am stuck on a corrupted 2D pattern.
I have gone through repeated restarts , but still no wifi setup screen.
If LEDs flash for a moment before going dark, I’d check that you don’t have the auto-off feature enabled in settings.
Not sure what you mean here, if the interface loads do you need to go through wifi setup? If you can get in the interface, you can always change wifi from the wifi tab. Otherwise hold the button until the orange status LED flashes, then look for the Pixelblaze_XXXXXX network.
Also another few things to check are what version of firmware is it running? When did you see the issues start? Did you recently update the controller? If so, do you have an older firmware you can revert to? Is it connected to a dedicated 2.4GHz network? Are you able to create a backup file, or load from a backup file?