So, the first segment of my lights run fine, but the second part has issues. I have a feeling it’s a 1D/2D thing, but there’s some neat 2D patterns that I like to run. Do I need to reconfigure something?
Knight Rider: A car named KITT gains sentience and fights critme and all that
good stuff.
Want to learn how to code patterns like this? This pattern has a YouTube
video walkthrough:
leader = 0
direction = 1
pixels = array(pixelCount)
speed = pixelCount / 800
fade = .0007
export function beforeRender(delta) {
lastLeader = floor(leader)
leader += direction * delta * speed
if (leader >= pixelCount) {
direction = -direction
leader = pixelCount - 1
if (leader < 0) {
direction = -direction
leader = 0
// Fill pixels between frames. Added after the video walkthrough was uploaded.
up = lastLeader < leader
for (i = lastLeader; i != floor(leader); up ? i++ : i-- ) pixels[i] = 1
for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) {
pixels[i] -= delta * fade
pixels[i] = max(0, pixels[i])
export function render(index) {
v = pixels[index]
v = v * v * v
hsv(0, 1, v)
Bad KITT pattern
export var location
export var timing = .1
export var size = .1
export var decayrate = .98
var decay = array(pixelCount)
export function sliderTiming(v) {
timing = v/10
export function sliderSize(v) {
size = v/10
export function sliderTail(v) {
decayrate = .9 + v/10
export function render2D(index,x,y) {
location = triangle(time(timing) * 2 - 1)
if (abs(location - y) < size) {
hsv(1, 1, 1)
decay[index] = 1
} else {
decay[index] = max(0, decay[index] * decayrate)
hsv(1,1,decay[index] * decay[index] * decay[index])
Bad Pulse 2D pattern
Pulse 2D
This pattern is meant to be displayed on an LED matrix or other 2D surface
defined in the Mapper tab. There is also a 1D version defined.
Output demo:
The mapper allows us to share patterns that work in 2D or 3D space without
the pattern code being dependent on how the LEDs were wired or placed in
space. That means these three installations could all render the same pattern
after defining their specific LED placements in the mapper:
1. A 8x8 matrix in a perfect grid, wired the common zigzag way
2. Individual pixels on a strand mounted in a triangle hexagon grid
3. Equal length strips wired as vertical columns on separate channels
of the output expander board
To get started quickly with matrices, there's an inexpensive 8x8 on the
Pixelblaze store. Load the default Matrix example in the mapper and you're
ready to go.
export function beforeRender(delta) {
t1 = time(3.3 / 65.536) * PI2 // Sawtooth 0 to 2*PI every 3.3 seconds
t2 = time(6.0 / 65.536) * PI2 // Sawtooth 0 to 2*PI every 6 seconds
z = 1 + wave(time(13 / 65.536)) * 5 // Sine wave, min = 1, max = 6
export function render2D(index, x, y) {
This general form produces an egg carton surface: f(x,y) = sin(x) + cos(y)
We'll make the color hue depend on the height of the egg carton.
Remember this? y = A sin(B(x + C)) + D
- The period (wavelength) is 2π/B
- The phase shift is C (and positive is to the left)
We can animate the "camera's" panning with phase shifts. That's the '+ t1'
and '+ t2' below. We animate the diameter (wavelength) of the hills and
valleys by animating z.
The hue output range is -0.5 to 1.5. hsv() will wrap hues outside 0..1.
h = (1 + sin(x * z + t1) + cos(y * z + t2)) * 0.5
// Start with value (brightness) equal to our -0.5 to 1.5 hue
v = h
It's common to see patterns multiply a 0..1 brightness value by itself
several times for aesthetic reasons. v^(some power) makes a small v smaller
(when v < 1) and this tends to produce smoother dimming.
Remember that while hsv() will wrap h, it will clamp v within 0..1. Setting
v to be odd power of itself preserves the sign, allows h ~= 1 to be bright
red, low hues to be very dim, and h < 0 to be zero brightness (off).
v = v * v * v / 2
hsv(h, 1, v)
When there's no map defined, Pixelblaze will call render() instead of
render2D() or render3D(), so it's nice to define a graceful degradation for 1D
strips. For many geometric patterns, you'll want to define a projection down a
export function render(index) {
pct = index / pixelCount // Transform index..pixelCount to 0..1
// render2D(index, pct, pct) // Render the diagonal of a matrix
// render2D(index, pct, 0) // Render the top row of a matrix
render2D(index, 8 * pct, 0) // Render 8 top rows worth to make it denser