A couple of things come to mind.
First, if you want to modify an existing pattern that uses hsv() to set color, it’s very easy to constrain hue to a range. This works especially well on “rainbow” patterns because they use the full range of hue values. The general formula is:
hue(startcolor+hueRange * (old pattern color), sat, bri);
So for example, to constrain the color of any rainbow pattern to a blue/green color set, you could use
hue(0.6 + 0.06667 * (old color calculation), old saturation, old brightness);
If you want to play with starting color and range, set up a color picker control to pick your initial hue, and a slider control to change the range.
You can also move colors away from the LED rainbow by subtracting just a little from the saturation. Even subtracting 0.2 or 0.3 from a fully saturated color adds quite a lot of white and makes for a different look.
Also, current Pixelblaze firmware actually does support per-pattern RGB palettes. They’re not widely used yet. But you can build a custom palette of RGB colors, use setPalette to activate it, and then call paint() instead of rgb() or hsv() in your render() functon to interpolate a palette color for the pixel.
(Here’s the documentation from the PB editor page – it’s a longish scroll down the page and easy to miss.)
Sets the palette to a gradient based on an array of positions and RGB values. For example, this fades from black to magenta to cyan:
var rgbGradient = [
0, 0, 0, 0, //position start, rgb(0,0,0)
0.75, 1, 0, 1, //position 75%, rgb(1,0,1)
1, 0, 1, 1 // position end, rgb(0,1,1)
, [brightness=1
Sets the current pixel to a color based on the value
’s position in the current palette. Value
“wraps” between 0.0 and 1.0. Negative values wrap backwards. Optionally brightness
can be specified.