Write my own pattern using the IDE

I’m new to this amazing site.
So I looked at the many example presented here: https://electromage.com/patterns
But how can I modify a pattern and play around with it?
The is supposed to be some kind of “IDE” for pattern editing and simulation, but I couldn’t find it.
I dont’t think that I’ll have problems with the code language itself, but I failed to discover some kind of ‘playground’ for the development of patterns.
Thanks for your help in advance,
cheers, Bernd.

Hey Bernd - the IDE is built into Pixelblaze itself. Have you successfully powered one up and gotten to its web page?

Ahemm, “powered one up” myself? Do I need to create an account on just another website?
I just wanted to see whether I’m able to design some nice effects before I buy and install some stuff.
With other projects, e.g. soulmatelights.com, its possible to do some programming before going into the hardware stuff.

Oh, I see the misunderstanding.

No, there’s no cloud-based (or otherwise off-board) IDE for Pixelblaze, so you wouldn’t be able to try writing patterns without one (though skills from Tixy / Dwitter / Mojulo transfer over pretty directly).

Although not the same as writing a pattern yourself, you might get a decent feel for the language by checking out the default set of patterns. I’ve filmed many of them.

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If that helps, Pixelblaze is a VERY EASY platform to program your own patterns on, with a clear documentation. Found it way easier to do cool stuff quickly than Arduino / WLED for example.
You can put any of the stock code patterns into chat gpt to get an explanation of the general code structure, but yes indeed you will need a Pixelblaze connected to LED to actually try and see the result. Live coding = your code changes translate immediately to the LED is a game changer when developing patterns with an artistic approach.


Thanks for your clarification!