That’s right - the sensor board will sync its data to the follower devices.
I wanted to caution you on max frame rate. Most aim for 30-60 FPS. The two limitations are the Pixelblaze calculation speed and data speed - either can be your limiter.
Each Pixelblaze computes about 48 Kpixels/sec depending on pattern complexity, so having three PBs with 2,800 LEDs each would limit you to about 17 frames per second. Doubling to 6 PBs gets you into range for this limit.
If you’re using Neopixels, your data transmission is 800 kbps, so 2800 in one long run will be limited to 12 FPS. In addition, 2800 is a very long run, and depending on your physical spacing, data will likely degrade too much. I’ll assume proper power injection and skip that factor; still, people tend to self-limit the length of any particular run to avoid data transmission problems from EMI, impedance, attenuation, reflections, and jitter. Common limits I’ve seen people use are 250, 500, 800, or “whatever (5-10) meters is”. If I know I’ll be getting up there in length, I’ll always try to validate this with the actual pixels.
If you’re using clocked pixels (4 wires, like SK9822), you can use faster data transmission rates like 2Mbps, yielding a theoretical 30FPS for 2800 pixels in each long serial run, but you’ll still need to experimentally find that max pixel run for data integrity.
If you landed on 1000 pixels as a safe run, then your options are to use an output expander to break each PB’s 2800 (or 1400) pixels into 2-3 runs, or use a PB for each run. Your choice between these is commonly dictated by the physical layout of your project. For example, if you really needed 2800 in one long physical line, like around some big perimeter, then the output expanders aren’t a solution (because you never want more than 2-4 meters of wire between signal source and first pixel unless ALSO adding differential long-range transceivers, which just adds more soldering and complexity).
Some people instead try to inject signal amplifiers within one long run, but this commonly doesn’t work out very well.
I hope this helps, and apologies if some of this is stuff you already know.